Chapter 1 – What is Long, What is Round?

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Question 1:

Team A says ― pencil. • Do you also think so? Now you think of a different answer for Uncle Meeku’s question. ____________


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students observe their surroundings. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. Names of some commonly seen round things that are pointed at one end and flat at the other are provided below for reference.
An object that is pointed at one end and flat at the other but is round like a pipe can be a pen, crayon or screw.

Question 2:

A child from team A puts his hand in the bag. Others in team A have to guess. Can you help them?


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students observe their surroundings. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. Names of some of the commonly seen round objects are provided below for reference.
An object that is round all around and has no corners could be a tennis ball or lemon.

Page No 4:

Question 1:

Now you play this game in your class. Take turns to name two things — one long and one round. Do not repeat things which others have named.


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students observe their surroundings. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. Names of some of the commonly seen long and round things are provided below for reference.
Long things: Wicket, cricket bat, sketch pen and measuring scale
Round things: Football, orange, wheel, steel plate and CD

Page No 7:

Question 1:

Collect different things, such as boxes of different kinds, balls, erasers, matchboxes etc.


Disclaimer: Students are advised to prepare the answer on their own.

Question 2:

Make your towers using different things, like only matchboxes, only tins.


Disclaimer: Students are advised to prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 8:

Question 1:

Does a coin roll? Does it slide? Try.


Yes, a coin can roll and slide.

Question 2:

Can you make a 1-rupee coin stand like      this?


Disclaimer: Students are advised to prepare the answer on their own.

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