Chapter 11 – If I Were an Apple

Page No 64:

Question 1:

apple          boy            eat            drop          joy


Apple: A round red-coloured fruit Example sentences: 1) I ate an apple today. 2) There is just one apple in the basket.
Boy: A male child Example sentences: 1) Why is that boy crying? 2) I met a cute boy yesterday.
Eat: Take in food Example sentences: 1) We should always eat our food slowly. 2) Eat as much as you want.
Drop: To let something fall Example sentences: 1) Apples drop down from a tree. 2) Do not drop your toys here and there.
Joy: Emotion of happiness Example sentences: 1) Receiving gifts fills me with joy. 2) He jumped with joy.

Page No 65:

Question 1:

  • Where is the apple?
  • Where is the boy?
  • How can the boy get the apple?


  • The apple is on a tree.
  • The boy is probably sitting or standing under a tree.
  • The boy can get the apple by climbing the tree.
Disclaimer: The answers to the second and third question may vary from student to student.

Page No 65:

Question 1:

  • Do you like apples?
  • Have you ever climbed a fruit tree?


  • Yes, I like apples. They are healthy for our body.
  • Yes, I once climbed a mango tree. I climbed it with the help of my uncle.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

Page No 65:

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks.
If I were a bird, I would____________. (fly, cry)
If I were a bee, I would_____________. (buzz, chirp)
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


If I were a bird, I would fly. (fly, cry)
If I were a bee, I would buzz .(buzz, chirp)

Page No 65:

Question 1:

s   t   u   v
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


s    t    u    v
Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to form the given alphabets.

Page No 66:

Question 1:



Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.

Page No 66:

Question 1:

Fill in the letters to complete the crossword puzzle. Use the pictures as clues to find the fruit.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Which is your favourite fruit? Say why you like it, first in your own language and then in English.


  • Banana is my favourite fruit because it is very soft to eat. I love its yellow colour. My mother says that eating banana and milk will make me strong.
Disclaimer: The answer to this question may vary from student to student. Also, the students are advised to first talk about their favourite fruit in their mother tongue and then in English.

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