Chapter 12 – Curlylocks and the Three Bears

Page No 98:

Question 1:

curly, cottage, bowl, porridge, hungry


1) Curly: arranged in curls or rolls Example sentences: 1) Her curly hair were blowing in the wind. 2) My hair is naturally thick and curly.
2) Cottage: a small house Example sentences: 1) We were living in a cottage. 2) Our cottage is surrounded by mountains.
3) Bowl: a round deep dish Example sentences: 1) I was eating rice in a bowl. 2) The bowl is used for keeping food.
4) Porridge: cereal boiled in water Example sentences: 1) Eating porridge in the breakfast is healthy. 2) Porridge is easy to digest.
5) Hungry: need for food Example sentences: 1) I was hungry when I came from school. 2) My dog was hungry in the evening.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

• My sister’s hair is soft and curly.
• When I am hungry, I eat a lot.


• My sister’s hair is soft and curly.
• When I am hungry, I eat a lot.
Disclaimer: Students are advised to read it on their own.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

  1. Who lived in the cottage in the forest?
  2. What did Curlylocks see on the table?
  3. Why did she eat up all the porridge from Baby Bear’s bowl?
  4. Whose bed did Curlylocks sleep in and why?


  1. The Bear family lived in the cottage.
  2. Curlylocks saw three bowls of porridge on the table.
  3. She ate all the porridge from Baby Bear’s bowl as it was just right for her to eat.
  4. Curlylock slept in the Baby Bear’s bed because the tiny little bed was just right for her to sleep.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

1. Have you ever seen a forest? What did you see there? 2. There is a plate of sweets lying on the table. You want to eat some sweets. What will you do? 3. Name a few things that you eat from a bowl. What do you call a bowl in your language?


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are expected to write the answer based on their own experience and observation.
1. Yes, I have seen a forest. I saw a huge elephant eating leaves from a tree. 2. If I want to have sweets, I will ask the permission from the owner of the sweets whether I can eat it or not. 3. We eat rice, porridge and soup from a bowl. A bowl is called a katora in Hindi.

Page No 101:

Question 1:

Pretend that you are Curlylocks. Tell your friends what happened to you when you went into the bears’ cottage. You can say the story first in your own language and then in English. Begin like this – I am curlylocks. I have curly hair. One day I …


Disclaimer: This is one sample story given to you. Students are expected to write the answer using their own creative and imaginative skills.
I am curly locks. I have curly hair. One day I decided to roam around the forest near my cottage. After a few steps, I saw a beautiful and small cottage. I got very happy to see that. I went inside the cottage and saw nobody there. I was very surprised and also scared to see that there was no one in the house.
I went into the kitchen and saw three bowls of porridge. I was very hungry, so I tasted from all the bowls but I liked the porridge only from the tiny bowl as it was just fine for me to eat. I was feeling very tired, so I thought to take rest for a while. I found three beds in the bedroom. I tried to fit in all the three beds but it wasonly the tiny bed where I felt comfortable.
I took a nap and then after half an hour, I saw three bears in front of me. They all were staring at me. I got goose bumps looking at them I thought of nothing thereafter and just ran off from the place.
It was a very adventurous experience for me. I enjoyed it and would love to visit the place again.

Page No 101:

Question 1:

• The Bear Family Disclaimer: Kindly refer to the textbook for the images.
• Bring pictures of your family members. – Take some chart-paper. – Write on it – My family – Stick pictures of your family members and write their names. Use Mr. and Mrs. for elder people. – Write – This is me. – Stick your picture under it and write your name.
• The words curly and hungry tell us about Curlylocks. Can you find some more words which describe The Bears? Now form them into sentences of your own.
• Write five lines on My Family. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


  • Disclaimer: This is a creative activity meant to be done on your own. You can take the help of your family members and friends in this activity to write their names.
Protectivecaringconfident  largestrong

1)  The Papa Bear is a very caring father.
2) The Mama Bear is very protective of her child.
3) The Baby Bear is very cuddly.
4) All the three Bears are very talkative.
5) The Bears are large in size.
1) My family is very small. 2) It has four members. 3) I have a brother who is in his play school. 4) My mother cooks delicious food. 5) My father is a businessman.

Page No 102:

Question 1:

A sailor went to seaseasea. To see what he could seeseesee. But all that he could seeseesee. Was the bottom of the deep blue seaseasea.
• Make sentences with sea and see, tail and tale. 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________


1)  The sea water is salty.
2) I cannot see clearly.
3) My dog’s tail got hurt while playing.
4) My grandmother read me a tale of ‘The Fairy and her dreams’ tonight.

Page No 103:

Question 2:

The Bear family went for a walk before dinner. Somebody came in. Look at what they did!
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
Write about all the things kept in the wrong places. A ball ____________ Papa Bears’s plate. A flower ___________ Mama Bear’s plate. A plant ___________ Baby Bear’s chair.
What else do you see in the picture?


  • A ball is kept on Papa Bears’s plate.
A flower is kept on Mama Bear’s plate.
A plant is kept near Baby Bear’s chair
  • 1) I can see a kitten sitting on the chair.
2) I can see a rat sitting on the fruit bowl.
3) I can see a shoe floating in a jug of water.

Page No 98:

Question 1:

curly, cottage, bowl, porridge, hungry


1) Curly: arranged in curls or rolls Example sentences: 1) Her curly hair were blowing in the wind. 2) My hair is naturally thick and curly.
2) Cottage: a small house Example sentences: 1) We were living in a cottage. 2) Our cottage is surrounded by mountains.
3) Bowl: a round deep dish Example sentences: 1) I was eating rice in a bowl. 2) The bowl is used for keeping food.
4) Porridge: cereal boiled in water Example sentences: 1) Eating porridge in the breakfast is healthy. 2) Porridge is easy to digest.
5) Hungry: need for food Example sentences: 1) I was hungry when I came from school. 2) My dog was hungry in the evening.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

• My sister’s hair is soft and curly.
• When I am hungry, I eat a lot.


• My sister’s hair is soft and curly.
• When I am hungry, I eat a lot.
Disclaimer: Students are advised to read it on their own.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

  1. Who lived in the cottage in the forest?
  2. What did Curlylocks see on the table?
  3. Why did she eat up all the porridge from Baby Bear’s bowl?
  4. Whose bed did Curlylocks sleep in and why?


  1. The Bear family lived in the cottage.
  2. Curlylocks saw three bowls of porridge on the table.
  3. She ate all the porridge from Baby Bear’s bowl as it was just right for her to eat.
  4. Curlylock slept in the Baby Bear’s bed because the tiny little bed was just right for her to sleep.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

1. Have you ever seen a forest? What did you see there? 2. There is a plate of sweets lying on the table. You want to eat some sweets. What will you do? 3. Name a few things that you eat from a bowl. What do you call a bowl in your language?


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are expected to write the answer based on their own experience and observation.
1. Yes, I have seen a forest. I saw a huge elephant eating leaves from a tree. 2. If I want to have sweets, I will ask the permission from the owner of the sweets whether I can eat it or not. 3. We eat rice, porridge and soup from a bowl. A bowl is called a katora in Hindi.

Page No 101:

Question 1:

Pretend that you are Curlylocks. Tell your friends what happened to you when you went into the bears’ cottage. You can say the story first in your own language and then in English. Begin like this – I am curlylocks. I have curly hair. One day I …


Disclaimer: This is one sample story given to you. Students are expected to write the answer using their own creative and imaginative skills.
I am curly locks. I have curly hair. One day I decided to roam around the forest near my cottage. After a few steps, I saw a beautiful and small cottage. I got very happy to see that. I went inside the cottage and saw nobody there. I was very surprised and also scared to see that there was no one in the house.
I went into the kitchen and saw three bowls of porridge. I was very hungry, so I tasted from all the bowls but I liked the porridge only from the tiny bowl as it was just fine for me to eat. I was feeling very tired, so I thought to take rest for a while. I found three beds in the bedroom. I tried to fit in all the three beds but it wasonly the tiny bed where I felt comfortable.
I took a nap and then after half an hour, I saw three bears in front of me. They all were staring at me. I got goose bumps looking at them I thought of nothing thereafter and just ran off from the place.
It was a very adventurous experience for me. I enjoyed it and would love to visit the place again.

Page No 101:

Question 1:

• The Bear Family Disclaimer: Kindly refer to the textbook for the images.
• Bring pictures of your family members. – Take some chart-paper. – Write on it – My family – Stick pictures of your family members and write their names. Use Mr. and Mrs. for elder people. – Write – This is me. – Stick your picture under it and write your name.
• The words curly and hungry tell us about Curlylocks. Can you find some more words which describe The Bears? Now form them into sentences of your own.
• Write five lines on My Family. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________


  • Disclaimer: This is a creative activity meant to be done on your own. You can take the help of your family members and friends in this activity to write their names.
Protectivecaringconfident  largestrong

1)  The Papa Bear is a very caring father.
2) The Mama Bear is very protective of her child.
3) The Baby Bear is very cuddly.
4) All the three Bears are very talkative.
5) The Bears are large in size.
1) My family is very small. 2) It has four members. 3) I have a brother who is in his play school. 4) My mother cooks delicious food. 5) My father is a businessman.

Page No 102:

Question 1:

A sailor went to seaseasea. To see what he could seeseesee. But all that he could seeseesee. Was the bottom of the deep blue seaseasea.
• Make sentences with sea and see, tail and tale. 1. ______________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________


1)  The sea water is salty.
2) I cannot see clearly.
3) My dog’s tail got hurt while playing.
4) My grandmother read me a tale of ‘The Fairy and her dreams’ tonight.

Page No 103:

Question 2:

The Bear family went for a walk before dinner. Somebody came in. Look at what they did!
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
Write about all the things kept in the wrong places. A ball ____________ Papa Bears’s plate. A flower ___________ Mama Bear’s plate. A plant ___________ Baby Bear’s chair.
What else do you see in the picture?


  • A ball is kept on Papa Bears’s plate.
A flower is kept on Mama Bear’s plate.
A plant is kept near Baby Bear’s chair
  • 1) I can see a kitten sitting on the chair.
2) I can see a rat sitting on the fruit bowl.
3) I can see a shoe floating in a jug of water.

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