Chapter 13 – The Longest Step

Page No 105:

Question 1:

Make a group of 3‒4 friends. Find out by drawing lines whose step is the longest.


Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Question 2:

Find the distance between (a) the door and any window of your class (b) the blackboard and where you are sitting


Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 106:

Question 1:

Can he use a handspan to find the length of all these?


Yes, Rajat can use a handspan to find the length of all these things.

Question 2:

Which things around you are less than your handspan? Name them.


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to encourage students to observe their surroundings. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. Some examples are provided below for reference.
Things shorter than a handspan are an eraser, a sharpener, a chalk, a matchstick, etc.

Question 3:

What would you use to find the length of those things?


Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. Names of some measuring objects are provided below for reference.
Measuring scale, measuring tape, etc can be used to find the length of those things.

Question 4:

• Who made the highest mud house? • Whose mud house is the smallest?


Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Question 5:

Make a Guess See these two coconut trees. If the bigger tree is 6 metres high, about how high is the smaller tree?


The smaller tree is about 3 metres high.

Page No 107:

Question 1:

Check Your Guess Guess the length or height of the things shown below. Find the length to check your answer.


Disclaimer: It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 108:

Question 1:

(i) Use your fingers to find out the distance between the rat and the milk. __________ fingers (ii) How far is the cat from the rat? ___________ fingers (iii) How far is the cat from the milk? __________ fingers (iv) What will the cat reach first — the rat or the milk? (v) Can the rat save itself? How? (vi) Tell a story using this picture. (vii) How long is the rat’s tail? __________ fingers (viii) Who has longer  whiskers? The rat or the cat?


Disclaimer for part (i), (ii), (iii), (vi), (vii):  It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
(iv) The cat will reach the milk first.         (v) Yes, the rat can save itself by running away from the cat. (viii) The cat has longer whiskers than the rat.

Page No 109:

Question 1:

Measure and Draw
• Draw a leaf 2 fingers away from the stone. • Draw a banana 5 matchsticks away from the monkey. • Draw a kite 7 fingers away from the stone. • Draw a cloud 3 matchsticks away from the kite. • Draw a bird 4 fingers away from the banana. Draw yourself anywhere on the page. Find how far you are from the monkey’s nose.


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students learn how to measure distances and draw in any direction from the given reference object. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 110:

Question 1:

Is That So? Sanju and her friends were trying to find out the length of their different body parts. Here is what they found out.
 (a) Do you agree with what they said? (b) Check how many of your friends have 1. a face one handspan long ___________ 2. the arm as long as the leg ___________ 3. a forehead 4 fingers wide ___________
(c) You can try and measure other body parts with your fingers and write their length. 1. Your nose is ___________ fingers long. 2. Your ear is ___________ fingers long.


Disclaimer: Answers may vary from student to student, based on his/her observations. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own.

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