Chapter 13 – On My Blackboard I can Draw

Page No 105:

Question 1:

gates, wide, lead, chimney, marigolds, straight


1) Gates: barrier used to close an opening in the wall Example sentences: 1) All the school gates get closed at 3 P.M. 2) She opened the hostel gate for me.
2) Wide: to the full extent Example sentences: 1) Her smile is very wide. 2) The road on which we are going to travel is wide.
3) Lead: means of access to a particular place Example sentences: 1) All roads lead towards the temple. 2) Laziness will not lead you towards success.
4) Chimney: a glass tube to let the smoke go out of the building Example sentences: 1) Our chimney has stopped working. 2) We have put a new glass chimney in our kitchen.
5) Marigolds: a plant with yellow flowers Example sentences: 1) Marigold is my favourite flower. 2) A bee was buzzing around the Marigold flower.
6) Straight: moving in one direction only Example sentences: 1) It was a straight road towards our home. 2) Walk straight to reach the shop.

Page No 106:

Question 1:

• How many windows does the house have in this poem?
• Where do the marigolds grow?


  • The house has five little windows in the poem.
  •  The marigolds grow up against the wall.

Page No 106:

Question 1:



Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.

Page No 106:

Question 1:

Every room becomes dirty if not cleaned. Let’s clean our classroom while singing this poem.
I’m going to sweep the dirt away, I’m going to sweep the dirt away, I’m going to sweep the dirt away. Woosh, woosh, woosh.


I’m going to sweep the dirt away, I’m going to sweep the dirt away, I’m going to sweep the dirt away. Woosh, woosh, woosh.

Page No 107:

Question 1:

These are the two rooms of the house. Colour them. Based on this activity, complete the paragraphs –
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
This is my ___________. It has __________ window. The colour of my bed is __________. There are __________ pictures on the wall.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
This is a __________. It has __________ in it. We watch __________ here. It has __________  curtains. It has __________ table.


  • This is my room. It has one window. The colour of my bed is green. There are three pictures on the wall.

  • This is a drawing room. It has a couch in it. We watch television here. It has green coloured curtains. It has wooden table.

Page No 108:

Question 2:

Using the pictures as clues fill in the blanks –
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
He is as busy as a ___________.
Raj is as slow as a ___________.
This pen is as light as a ___________.
My hair is as black as ____________.


He is as busy as a bee.
Raj is as slow as a snail.
This pen is as light as a feather.
My hair is as black as a dark night.

Page No 108:

Question 3:

Ask your friend to – Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Ask someone to close the door using the words – wide open, half shut and fully shut.


1) The main entrance gate is wide open. Please shut the door while leaving.
2) Please half shut the door of your room at night.
3) Fully shut the kitchen door or else the cat will come inside and drink all milk.

Page No 109:

Question 4:

Find the right sentence – Read the pairs of sentences below. Fill in the blanks in the second sentence with the opposite of the word in red. Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
The boy is running very fast. The boy is walking very ___________.
The clown is very happy. The clown is very ____________.
girl is walking on a loose. rope. The girl is walking on a ___________ rope.


The boy is running very fast. The boy is walking very slow.
The clown is very happy. The clown is very sad.
The girl is walking on a loose. rope. The girl is walking on a tight rope.

Page No 110:

Question 5:

Change from singular to plural by adding es, ies and ves
For example:



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