Chapter 13 – Sharing Our Feelings

Page No 88:

Question 1:

Seema’s father reads the newspaper aloud to her nani. How do you help old people? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Old people like Seema’s nani needs our special care and attention. Generally, they have weak listening ability, weak eyesight etc. They can be helped by providing hearing aids, suitable spectacles etc to overcome their problems related to hearing, watching etc. We can aware them what is going on their surroundings daily. We can try to spend much time with them to understand their needs and emotions.

Question 2:

What kind of problems do people have in old age? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


People suffer from many problems in old age. Their body becomes weak and frail; they suffer from body aches and diseases and face difficulty in doing activities like walking, eating and listening. Their vision also decreases with age.

Page No 89:

Question 1:

How does Ravi bhaiya come to know so many things without seeing? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________


Although Ravi bhaiya cannot see, he can identify things by touching them. By touching things, he can understand and identify objects. He can identify people by hearing their voices and the sounds they make as they move.

Question 2:

Have you ever needed a stick? When? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


Disclaimer: Students are recommended to prepare the answer on their own.

Question 3:

Can you think when you may need a stick? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


I may need a stick if I cannot walk or see properly. I may also need a stick if I have some injury in the leg or I grow old enough to not able to walk without any kind of support.

Question 4:

How do we help those people who cannot see? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


We should offer help to people who cannot see. We should make them aware of their surroundings. We should always respect them and should not let them feel bad about their blindness

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