Chapter 13 – Smart Charts!

Page No 177:

Question 1:

Flowers of Different Colours Have you been to a park? What coloured flowers did you see? Were most of the flowers yellow in colour?
Look at the different flowers in the picture. Complete the table:
Colour of flowersNumber of flowers
Draw the right flower. Write how many there are. (a) ________ are the most in number. How many? _________. (b) ________ are the least in number. How many? _________. (c) ________ are more than ________ (d) ________ are more than ________


Colour of flowersNumber of flowers
(a)  are the most in number i.e. 10.
(b)  are the least in number i.e. 5.
(c)  are more than 
(d)  are more than 
Disclaimer: The answer of part (c) and part (d) may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 178:

Question 1:

What do We See on the Road? • Look at the traffic scene in the picture and fill in the table.
Way of TravelHow many
Walking (people)
• Answer the following questions. (a) In the picture which way of travel do you see the most? ________ (b) Which way of travel (vehicle) do you see the least? ________ (c) The number of people walking is more than the number of _______ (d) The number of buses is less than the number of ________


Way of TravelHow many
Walking (people)5
4 wheelers17
Bullock cart1
(a) Travelling by 4 wheeler can be seen the most in the picture.
(b) Travelling by bullock cart / tractor can be seen the least in the picture.
(c) The number of people walking is more than the number of people travelling on bullock cart.
(d) The number of buses is less than the number of cars.

Page No 181:

Question 1:

Talk to people around you about their favourite sweets.
Fill in the table:
Favourite sweetNumber of people
From the above table answer the following: (a) Most favourite sweet ____________ (b) Least favourite sweet _____________ (c) ____________ is liked more than _____________           (Name of the sweet)                                      (Name of the sweet) (d) ____________ is liked more than _____________ (e) ____________ is liked more than _____________ (f) _____________ is liked more than _____________


Favourite sweetNumber of people
Ras malai25
(a) Most favourite sweet is Ras malai.
(b) Least favourite sweet is Kalakand.
(c) Rasgulla is liked more than Burfi. (Name of the sweet)         (Name of the sweet)
(d) Laddoo is liked more than Kalakand.
(e) Rasgulla is liked more than Burfi.
(f) Jalebi is liked more than Kalakand.
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answers provided here are for reference only.

Page No 182:

Question 1:

Ask your friends about the number of people living in their homes. Fill in the table.
Number of people living togetherHow many families
1 alone
2 people
3 people
4 people
5 people
6 people
7 people
8 people
(a) Most families have _____________ people living in their homes. (b) The smallest number of people living in a home is ____________ (c) The number of families having 4 people is ____________


Number of people living togetherHow many families
1 alone2
2 people5
3 people8
4 people6
5 people4
6 people2
7 people2
8 people1
(a) Most families have 3 people living in their homes.
(b) The smallest number of people living in a home is 1.
(c) The number of families having 4 people is 6.
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answers provided here are for reference only.

Page No 183:

Question 1:

What have your classmates brought for lunch today? Find out and note down.
Food itemNumber of students
(a) Food item brought for lunch by the biggest number of students __________ (b) Food item brought by the smallest number of students _________


Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 184:

Question 1:

Getting Smart with Charts
Attendance Board
Date 8/2/2007
ClassNumber of studentsStudents presentStudents absent
Class I27252
Class II23221
Class III24213
Class IV22184
Class V25232
This board shows the number of students in each class. It also shows the number of students present and absent. • How many children in all are there in the school? _________ • How many children in all are absent on that day? _________


Attendance Board
Date 8/2/2007
ClassNumber of studentsStudents presentStudents absent
Class I27252
Class II23221
Class III24213
Class IV22184
Class V25232
• There are a total of 121 students in the class.
• 12 students are absent on that day.

Question 2:

This is a chart to show the number of absent students. Each absent student is shown by • In the chart show the absent students of Class V.


Page No 185:

Question 1:

Now look at the chart and fill in the blanks: (a) The class with the highest number of absent students is __________. (b) The class with the least number of absent students is ___________. (c) The class with 3 students absent is __________. (d) The number of studnts absent in Class IV and Class V are _________ and ________.


(a) The class with the highest number of absent students is Class IV.
(b) The class with the least number of absent students is Class II.
(c) The class with 3 students absent is Class III.
(d) The number of students absent in Class IV and Class V are 4 and 2.

Page No 186:

Question 1:

Rohan, Jacob and Geeta also measured their hands. They stuck their strips as shown. 
Look at the picture and fill in the blanks: (a) The length of Jacob’s hand is __________ (more/less) than Geeta’s hand. (b) The length of Geeta’s hand is __________ (more/less) than Rohan’s hand. (c) _________ has the longest hand. (d) _________ has the shortest hand.


(a) The length of Jacob’s hand is more than Geeta’s hand.
(b) The length of Geeta’s hand is more than Rohan’s hand.
(c) Jacob has the longest hand.
(D) Rohan has the shortest hand.

Question 2:

In the chart below stick the strips of all the friends in your group. Keep some space between the strips.


Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Page No 187:

Question 1:

Children coming to School
Look at the picture and fill in the table.
Way of comingTractor
Number of students3


Way of comingTractorBicycleWalking   CarRickshaw
Number of students3511 24

Question 2:

3 students are coming by a tractor. We write 3 in the table. We also draw 3 faces on top of ‘tractor’ in the chart. Draw faces in the chart to show how many children come by bus, bicycle, etc.


Page No 188:

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks: (a) The most students come to school by ____________. (b) The number of students walking to school is ___________ (more/less) than the students coming on bicycle. (c) The least students come to school by ___________.
So, isn’t this a smart chart! By simply looking at it we can know so much. Let us make more such charts.


(a) The most students come to school by bus. (b) The number of students walking to school is more than the students coming on bicycle. (c) The least students come to school by horse / wheel chair.
Disclaimer: The answer to part (b) may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answers provided here are for reference only.

Question 2:

Which bird has the most colours?


A peacock has more colours on its body than a parrot. Thus, the peacock has the most colours.

Question 3:

Which is the animal which is liked most as a pet?


Cat is liked the most as a pet.

Page No 189:

Question 1:

Which vegetable is most disliked? Ask your friends and complete the table.
Vegetable dislikedNumber of students
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________


The most disliked vegetable is brinjal.
Vegetable dislikedNumber of students
Brinjal Lady finger Cauliflower Spinach Potatoes Peas4 2 3 3 2 1
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

Question 2:

Use this table to draw faces in the chart below. Draw  for each child on top of the vegetable disliked. • The most disliked vegetable is __________. • The vegetable disliked by very few children is __________.


• The most disliked vegetable is brinjal. • The vegetable disliked by very few children is peas.
 Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

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