Chapter 14 – Birds Come, Birds Go

Page No 114:

Question 1:

In the same way, we will add the number of swans and cranes.
The total number of swans and cranes is ____________.


The total number of swans and cranes is 70.

Page No 115:

Question 1:

One morning, Suraj saw that out of 70 birds, only 26 birds were left. The rest had gone away. • How many birds have gone away?
 __________ birds have gone away.


44 birds have gone away.

Page No 116:

Question 1:

Rahul scored 23 runs in a cricket match and Dhoni scored 69. How many runs did they make in all?
 They made _____________ runs in all.


They made 92 runs in all.

Question 2:

Dema sold 48 shawls in a fair. Next day, he sold 17 more shawls. How many shawls in all did he sell?
Dema sold ____________ shawls in all.


Dema sold 65 shawls in all.

Question 3:

Bunnu rabbit can eat 29 carrots in one week. Munnu rabbit can eat 42 carrots in one week. Who eats more in a week and by how much?
__________ eats _________ more carrots.


Munnu eats 13 more carrots.

Page No 117:

Question 1:

Neha is 29 years old. Her mother is 58 years old. How many years older is Neha’s mother?
Mother is ____________ years older than Neha.


Mother is 29 years older than Neha.

Question 2:

Find the answer.


Page No 118:

Question 1:


Page No 119:

Question 1:


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer wherein two different numbers are considered for each problem. Students, however, can choose their own numbers to obtain the desired results.

Page No 122:

Question 1:

Shreya collects the money and writes it in her diary. Help Shreya to find how much money is left at the end of the month.


Page No 123:

Question 1:

Children of Chakachak Toli counted the number of trees in the park.
• Trees were more than trees. How many more? ____________ • Draw the tree which is least in number. • Draw the tree which is most in number.
• Children planted some more trees to make 100.
How many more did they plant? ___________


• Trees were 8 more than trees. 
•  The tree which is least in number is
• The tree which is most in number is 
• Children planted 15 more trees to make 100.

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