Chapter 15 – Making Pots

Page No 98:

Question 1:

Why did the crow need a pot? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


The crow needed the pot to fill water in it so that it could wash its beak.

Question 2:

Who all helped the crow to make the pot? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


The blacksmith gave the crow a trowel with which it obtained clay from the clay pit. The potter used the clay to make a pot for the crow.

Question 3:

What thing did the potter need? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


The potter needed clay for making the pot.

Question 4:

Are there utensils made of clay in your house? Which are these? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Yes, there are utensils made of clay in our house. These are bowls, small cups and pots.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her observation and experience.

Page No 99:

Question 1:

What will happen if you store water in these pots overnight?


The water will become cool if stored in these pots overnight.

Question 2:

We often keep water in a clay pot at home or in the school. Why do these pots not get spoilt by the water?


These pots are not spoilt by water because they are baked in the sun or fire. This makes them strong.

Page No 100:

Question 1:

If we had pots made only of clay and all of them had broken or got spoilt, what would we have done?


We would have again mixed clay with water and used the mixture to make new pots.

Question 2:

Long, long ago, when people did not have any pots, what did those people do?


People could not store food, water, milk, etc., as there were no pots.

Question 3:

Why would people have made pots?


Pots were made to store items like water and milk. They were used to keep the contents cool during summers.

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