Chapter 16 – Games We Play

Page No 104:

Question 1:

Write the names of all the games mentioned in the lesson in the table below. Make a / in front of those games that are played indoors. Against the outdoor games, make a / i. Don’t forget to write the number of players needed for the game. If some other things are also needed to play the game, then write their names as well.
Name of the game mentioned in the lesson/Number of playersThings needed


Name of the game mentioned in the lesson/Number of playersThings needed
Hopscotch (Stappoo)2 or moreMarker (thippi), chalk and ground
Langrhi tang2 or morePlayground
Hide-and-seek/3 or moreHiding places
Seven tiles2Tiles and rubber ball
Kabaddi14 (7 in each team)Whistle and playground
Marbles2 or moreMarbles and ground
Wrestling2 or moreWrestling ring and whistle
Gilli danda2 or moredanda, gilli and playground
Flying kites1Kites and thread
Chess2Chessboard and chess pieces
House-house2 or morePlaying toys
Carrom2–4Carrom board and playing coins
Ludo2–4Ludo board and playing coins

Page No 105:

Question 1:

Do you play any game similar to hopscotch? What do you call it? Draw the figure that you make to play the game in the space below.


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation and experience.
This game is known as ladder. In this game, the player first jumps in all the boxes and then starts overskipping a box, two boxes and so on.

Question 2:

Do you play some games with your family members? Which games and with whom?
Family member  Name of the game______________   ____________________________   ____________________________   ____________________________   ____________________________   ______________


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make the students interactive. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own.

Page No 106:

Question 1:

Do you know the name of any famous sportsperson in your area? If yes, write her or his name and the game with which she or he is associated. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her observation and experience.
Virat Kohli is a cricketer; he belongs to Delhi.

Question 2:

How many games do you know which are played with a ball? Write their names in the ball. 


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to encourage the students to observe the games they play. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own. A sample answer, however, is provided below for reference.

Question 3:

Have you heard of Sania Mirza? She also plays a ball game. Find out which one and write its name. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________


Sania Mirza plays lawn tennis.

Question 4:

Which game do you like the most? _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to ask the student to identify his or her favourite game. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her choice. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own.

Question 5:

Find out from the elders in your family or in the neighbourhood which games did they play when they were children. ______________________  ______________________  ______________________ ______________________  ______________________  ______________________


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her interaction with elders.
Cricket      Gilli danda      Hopscotch
Kabaddi    House-house    Wrestling

Page No 107:

Question 1:

Match the riddles with the pictures. Write the name of the game in the given space. 


Page No 108:

Question 1:

Besides playing, what else do you do? _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students interactive and to encourage them to observe their surroundings. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own.

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