Chapter 16 – Who will do this Work?

Page No 148:

Question Write:

Talk with people who do the cleaning job around your house and school.
  • Since when have they been doing this work?
  • How much have they studied?
  • Have they tried to look for some other work?
  • Did the elders in their family also do this work?
  • What kind of difficulties do they face in doing this work?


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make the students interact respectfully with the people around them. The process also calls for observation and gathering information. Considering the sustenance of this process the answer to the same has not been provided.

Page No 149:

Question See the picture and :

  • What are the different kinds of work being done in this drawing? List any five of these.
  • If you were asked to do any five jobs in this picture, which would you choose?
  • Which five jobs would you not choose? Why?


  • The different kinds of work being done in this drawing are
    • milking the cow
    • selling groceries
    • gardening
    • cleaning the sewers
    • controlling the traffic
    • collecting the garbage from the bins
    • selling fruits and vegetables
    • painting a house
    • teaching
    • rag picking
    • making eatables
    • sweeping the roads
    • working in a laboratory
    • serving in a restaurant
    • treating the ill
    • pressing the clothes
    • painting
    • transporting goods
(Any five would serve the purpose)
  • Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that has to be answered by a student based upon his own imagination. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided. 
  • Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that has to be answered by a student based upon his own imagination. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Page No 150:

Question Discuss:

  • What kinds of work or jobs do people not want to do? Why?
  • So, who does this kind of work? Why do people do this kind of work that others do not want to do?


  • People do not want to do jobs of sweepers, dish washers, sewage cleaners, washers, etc. People do not opt for these jobs because after getting educated, they get other options of employment. They want to earn more and think these activities are neither interesting nor of their status.
  • This kind of work is done by:
    (i) Poor people
    (ii) People belonging to a particular community in which their elders also have done the same work.
    (iii) People who did not get chance to do other jobs
    Some people do this kind of work as either they do not have the money to study or even after getting educated they cannot not manage to get other jobs.

Question Imagine:

  • What would happen if nobody did this work? If nobody cleared the garbage lying outside your school or your house for one week, then what would happen?


  • Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that has to be answered by a student based upon his own imagination. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Page No 151:

Question Tell:

  • Why did Gandhiji and his team start doing the job of cleaning? What do you think about this?
  • Do you know any such people in your area who try to help others in solving their problems? Find out.
  • Guests at Gandhiji’s Ashram had to learn this work also. If you were one of these guests, what would you do?
  • What are the toilet arrangements in your house? Where is the toilet? Inside the house, or outside? Who cleans the toilet?
  • How did the man who was returning from the toilet behave with Mahadevbhai? Why did he behave like this?


  • Gandhiji and his team started doing the job of cleaning to change the view of some people in the society who considered the job of cleaning as a low status job. Gandhiji wanted to eradicate untouchability from the society. He wanted to convey people that all works are equal and no work is big or small.
  • Disclaimer: This question calls for the process of one’s own observation and gathering information. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided. 
  • Disclaimer: This question has to be answered by a student based upon his own imagination. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided. 
  • Disclaimer: This question calls for the process of one’s own observation. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided. 
  • The man who was returning from the toilet behaved very rudely with Mahadevbhai. He ordered him to clean the dirt. In his opinion, cleaning being a low status job was meant for only some people in the society and not everyone. He disrespected these people and considered them as untouchables.

Page No 153:

Question Tell:

  • Who does the cleaning in your school? What all has to be cleaned?
  • Do all children like you help in this? If yes, how?
  • If all do not help, why not?
  • Do all children do all kinds of work?
  • Do they sometimes have to miss classes to do this work?
  • Do the girls and boys do the same kinds of work?
  • What all work do you do at home?
  • Is the work done by boys and girls, men and women the same?
  • Would you like to bring some change? What kind?


Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that calls for the process of one’s own observation and gathering information. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answers to the same has not been provided.

Question Discuss:

  • Do people look at different kinds of work in the same way? If not, why is this so? Why is it important to bring change?
  • Gandhiji’s favourite song (bhajan) is given here. This bhajan is in Gujarati. Try to understand the meaning of these lines with the help of your elders. Think about these lines.


Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that calls for the execution of one’s own thoughts and awareness related to the society. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Question What We Have Learnt:

  • Gandhiji used to say that every person should do every kind of work. What do you feel about this? If everyone followed this, what are the things that would change? What are some changes that will happen in your own house?


  • Disclaimer: This section comprises of questions that calls for the execution of one’s own thoughts and awareness related to the society. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.

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