Chapter 17 – Here comes a Letter

Page No 111:

Question 1:

❉ What difference do you see in these letters? ❉ Which letters have stamps on them? ❉ Are all the stamps similar? What are the differences? ❉ Have you seen the stamp of the post office on these letters?


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her observation and experience.
❉ The difference between the letters is the address mentioned on them. Also, some letters had stamps on them while, the others didn’t. ❉ The letters that were about to be dispatched to their corresponding stations had stamps on them. ❉ No, all stamps are not similar. A few letters that were meant to be sent very far had costlier stamps on them. ❉ Yes, the stamp of the post office was present on the letters.

Page No 113:

Question 1:

Reena’s letter reached Delhi by train. How do you think letters reached distant places when there were no trains?


When there were no trains, letters reached distant places through bullock carts, bicycles, boats, etc. In earlier times, pigeons were known to carry letters from the sender to the reciever.

Page No 114:

Question 1:

Where all have you seen telephones? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Home School Telephone booths Shops

Question 2:

With whom do you talk on the telephone? _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her experience.
Relatives Friends

Question 3:

Which of the two do you like more—writing a letter or making a phone call? Why? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________


Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make the students interactive. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answers on their own.

Page No 115:

Question 1:

Telephones are of different types. Draw pictures of telephones you have seen.


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer may vary from student to student, depending upon his/her observation and experience.

Question 2:

We wrote a letter. We also made a phone call. What are the similarities and differences between a letter and a phone call?


Both the letter and telephone are modes of communication and help us to exchange messages and information with our relatives, friends and other important people far away from us.
It is a fast mode of communication.It is a slow mode of communication.
We can talk over the phone; this means that we can hear the voice of the person far away from us.We can only write to each other through letters.
Postman is not involved.Postman is involved.
It is an electronic mode of communication where voice is transferred through wires and satellites.It is a manual mode of communication where a letter is transferred to a post office by a postman and then to the receiver by another postman from a post office.
It is a two-way mode of communication.It is a one-way mode of communication.

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