Chapter 18 – The Magic Porridge Pot

Page No 149:

Question 1:

magic, cook, porridge, spilling, whole, village


1) Magic: supernatural event Example sentences: 1) A magician performed a magic in my school. 2) I can perform magic with playing cards.
2) Cook: to prepare food Example sentences: 1) Do not cook food on high flame. 2) My mother cooks very delicious food.
3) Porridge: cereal boiled in water Example sentences: 1) Eating porridge is a healthy option. 2) Porridge is very soft to eat.
4) Spilling: to overflow Example sentences: 1) Wipe up the spilling carefully. 2) The spilling has created a mess in the room.
5) Whole: all or entire Example sentences: 1) I spent the whole day travelling. 2) The whole class was punished by the teacher.
6) Village: a group of houses Example sentences: 1) The village panchayat was held on every Sunday. 2) I went to my village on summer vacations.

Page No 150:

Question 1:

  • Where did Tara go one day?
  • What did the old woman give Tara?
  • What did the magic pot cook?
  • Who said, “Do not cook Pot”?
  • Why was there so much porridge on the road?


  • Tara went to a forest one day.
  • The old woman gave a magic pot to Tara.
  • The magic pot cooked porridge.
  • Mother said, ‘Do not cool Pot’.
  • There was so much porridge on the road because Tara’s mother did not know what to say so that the pot could stop cooking.

Page No 150:

Question 1:

  • What do you eat for your breakfast?
  • Would you like to eat wheat porridge?
  • Have you seen any magic? Tell us about it?
  • What do you call magic in your own language?


Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers according to their own personal experience.
  • I eat fruits and milk for my breakfast.
  • Yes, I would like to eat wheat porridge.
  • Yes, I have seen magic once in school. A magician took a pack of cards and performed a trick. She said few words and put her hands at back. Suddenly, in a fraction of a second the number of cards doubled.
  • Magic is called ‘jaadoo’ in Hindi.
Disclaimer: The answer to this question may vary according to the mother tongue of the student.

Page No 150:

Question 1:



Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.

Page No 151:

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks with a, an or the Once there was __________ beautiful garden.  __________ garden had __________ apple
tree,  __________ orange tree  and __________ guava tree. x In __________
garden lived __________ big giant.  __________ giant did not like children to play in
_________ garden.  __________ giant used to eat __________ fruit every day from
__________ garden. But he did not share these with __________ children. So his garden dried
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Once there was a beautiful garden.  The garden had an apple
tree,  an orange tree and  a guava tree.  In  the
garden lived a  big giant.  The giant did not like children to play in
the garden.  The giant used to eat a  fruit every day from
the garden. But he did not share these with the children. So his garden dried up.

Page No 152:

Question 1:

Look at the letters given below and make words starting with them.



Page No 152:

Question 1:

Your mother makes delicious porridge. Would you also like to learn how to make it?


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experience and observation.
Yes, I would like to learn to make delicious porridge. It is healthy to eat porridge in our breakfast.

Page No 152:

Question 2:

  • Ask your mother or an older person to help you.
You need – Milk, porridge, sugar 1. Take hot milk.
2. Add cooked porridge.
3. Add sugar and eat it. Repeat this recipe in your language to the class.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
  • It is your friend’s birthday. For decoration in her party you are presenting a bunch of balloons to her. These balloons are your friendship balloons. Choose a name for each from the box and colour them.
  • Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.

caring                sharing                      kind             friendly helpful               forgiving               truthful

  • Would you like to tell the class a story about any of these balloons?


  • Disclaimer: This is a creative activity to be done with your mother at home. This will teach you how to cook porridge.
  • Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
One day, I forgot to bring my lunch box in school. I had not taken my breakfast either.   When the bell rang for interval, everyone rushed outside the classroom to have their lunch. None of them asked me for lunch. It was only my best friend named Karan who came to my seat with his lunch. He happily shared his lunch with me. That’s why we say: ” A friend in need is a friend in deed”.

Page No 156:

Question 1:

Read the picture story aloud (3 students)
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: This is an activity to be done along with your friends and teachers in the classroom. Students will have to read the picture story loudly in the classroom. This will help the students develop their reading skills.

Page No 156:

Question 1:

Tick (✓) the right answer. 1. Grandfather sprained his (a) leg
(b) back
(c) arm
2. Grandfather loved (a) eating
(b) walking
(c) sleeping
3. Grandfather missed his (a) food
(b) books
(c) exercise

Before Grandfather fellAfter he fell
Grandfather used to go for walks.Now he ___________________.
Grandfather used to talk.Now he is ___________________.
Grandfather met many friends.Now he does not _________________.


1. Grandfather sprained his (a) leg
(b) back
(c) arm 
2. Grandfather loved (a) eating
(b) walking 
(c) sleeping
3. Grandfather missed his (a) food
(b) books
(c) exercise 
Before Grandfather fellAfter he fell
Grandfather used to go for walks.Now he sleeps all day.
Grandfather used to talk.Now he is silent.
Grandfather met many friends.Now he does not go for a walk outside.

Page No 157:

Question 1:

A pen and a hen.


Instructions: Join the dotted lines to form the given sentence.

Page No 149:

Question 1:

magic, cook, porridge, spilling, whole, village


1) Magic: supernatural event Example sentences: 1) A magician performed a magic in my school. 2) I can perform magic with playing cards.
2) Cook: to prepare food Example sentences: 1) Do not cook food on high flame. 2) My mother cooks very delicious food.
3) Porridge: cereal boiled in water Example sentences: 1) Eating porridge is a healthy option. 2) Porridge is very soft to eat.
4) Spilling: to overflow Example sentences: 1) Wipe up the spilling carefully. 2) The spilling has created a mess in the room.
5) Whole: all or entire Example sentences: 1) I spent the whole day travelling. 2) The whole class was punished by the teacher.
6) Village: a group of houses Example sentences: 1) The village panchayat was held on every Sunday. 2) I went to my village on summer vacations.

Page No 150:

Question 1:

  • Where did Tara go one day?
  • What did the old woman give Tara?
  • What did the magic pot cook?
  • Who said, “Do not cook Pot”?
  • Why was there so much porridge on the road?


  • Tara went to a forest one day.
  • The old woman gave a magic pot to Tara.
  • The magic pot cooked porridge.
  • Mother said, ‘Do not cool Pot’.
  • There was so much porridge on the road because Tara’s mother did not know what to say so that the pot could stop cooking.

Page No 150:

Question 1:

  • What do you eat for your breakfast?
  • Would you like to eat wheat porridge?
  • Have you seen any magic? Tell us about it?
  • What do you call magic in your own language?


Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers according to their own personal experience.
  • I eat fruits and milk for my breakfast.
  • Yes, I would like to eat wheat porridge.
  • Yes, I have seen magic once in school. A magician took a pack of cards and performed a trick. She said few words and put her hands at back. Suddenly, in a fraction of a second the number of cards doubled.
  • Magic is called ‘jaadoo’ in Hindi.
Disclaimer: The answer to this question may vary according to the mother tongue of the student.

Page No 150:

Question 1:



Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.

Page No 151:

Question 1:

Fill in the blanks with a, an or the Once there was __________ beautiful garden.  __________ garden had __________ apple
tree,  __________ orange tree  and __________ guava tree. x In __________
garden lived __________ big giant.  __________ giant did not like children to play in
_________ garden.  __________ giant used to eat __________ fruit every day from
__________ garden. But he did not share these with __________ children. So his garden dried
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Once there was a beautiful garden.  The garden had an apple
tree,  an orange tree and  a guava tree.  In  the
garden lived a  big giant.  The giant did not like children to play in
the garden.  The giant used to eat a  fruit every day from
the garden. But he did not share these with the children. So his garden dried up.

Page No 152:

Question 1:

Look at the letters given below and make words starting with them.



Page No 152:

Question 1:

Your mother makes delicious porridge. Would you also like to learn how to make it?


Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experience and observation.
Yes, I would like to learn to make delicious porridge. It is healthy to eat porridge in our breakfast.

Page No 152:

Question 2:

  • Ask your mother or an older person to help you.
You need – Milk, porridge, sugar 1. Take hot milk.
2. Add cooked porridge.
3. Add sugar and eat it. Repeat this recipe in your language to the class.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
  • It is your friend’s birthday. For decoration in her party you are presenting a bunch of balloons to her. These balloons are your friendship balloons. Choose a name for each from the box and colour them.
  • Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.

caring                sharing                      kind             friendly helpful               forgiving               truthful

  • Would you like to tell the class a story about any of these balloons?


  • Disclaimer: This is a creative activity to be done with your mother at home. This will teach you how to cook porridge.
  • Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
One day, I forgot to bring my lunch box in school. I had not taken my breakfast either.   When the bell rang for interval, everyone rushed outside the classroom to have their lunch. None of them asked me for lunch. It was only my best friend named Karan who came to my seat with his lunch. He happily shared his lunch with me. That’s why we say: ” A friend in need is a friend in deed”.

Page No 156:

Question 1:

Read the picture story aloud (3 students)
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: This is an activity to be done along with your friends and teachers in the classroom. Students will have to read the picture story loudly in the classroom. This will help the students develop their reading skills.

Page No 156:

Question 1:

Tick (✓) the right answer. 1. Grandfather sprained his (a) leg
(b) back
(c) arm
2. Grandfather loved (a) eating
(b) walking
(c) sleeping
3. Grandfather missed his (a) food
(b) books
(c) exercise

Before Grandfather fellAfter he fell
Grandfather used to go for walks.Now he ___________________.
Grandfather used to talk.Now he is ___________________.
Grandfather met many friends.Now he does not _________________.


1. Grandfather sprained his (a) leg
(b) back
(c) arm 
2. Grandfather loved (a) eating
(b) walking 
(c) sleeping
3. Grandfather missed his (a) food
(b) books
(c) exercise 
Before Grandfather fellAfter he fell
Grandfather used to go for walks.Now he sleeps all day.
Grandfather used to talk.Now he is silent.
Grandfather met many friends.Now he does not go for a walk outside.

Page No 157:

Question 1:

A pen and a hen.


Instructions: Join the dotted lines to form the given sentence.

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