Chapter 18 – NO place for US

Page No 166:

Question Think and Tell:

  • Jatrya felt alone, even in a crowd of people. Have you ever felt like this?
  • Imagine how it feels to leave one’s own place and go far away to live in a new place?
  • Why do you think families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities?
  • Have you seen any children (in your school or neighbourhood) who also go to work?
  • What kind of work do they do? Why do they have to work?


  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • To leave one’s own place is a very difficult task. When people move to new place, a lot of problems arise in setting up everything again. They have to make their new house or live at rent and search new work for earning livelihood. Other people living around them are also unknown to them. So, they do not have that much interaction with neighbours as they used to have in their own place. They feel alone, even in the crowd of people.Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The answer is based upon one’s own imagination. Hence, it can vary from one student to another.
  • Families like that of Jatrya’s are coming to big cities in search of better livelihood.Big cities are more developed. They provide better education, employment and medical facilities. Some people are forced to get displaced from their own places due to new developmental policies or some natural calamities.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own knowledge and dwelling place. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • They carry someone’s luggage, pick up waste to sell it to the junk seller and often work in the dhabas. They work to earn money for the livelihood of themselves and their families. In some cases, they are forced to do work by some people.

Page No 167:

Question Tell:

  • In Khedi village what all did children learn?
  • What do you learn from your elders?
  • Jatrya learnt so many things in Khedi. How many of those would be useful for him in Mumbai?
  • Do you hear the sounds of birds every day? Which ones?
  • Can you imitate the sound of any bird? Show how.
  • What are some of the sounds that you hear everyday, but the people of Khedi may not be hearing?
  • Have you experienced silence? When and where?


  • In Khedi village, children learned to dance, play flute and dhol, make pots of clay and bamboo, recognise birds and imitate their sounds, to do farming, to collect things from forest and to catch fish from river.
  • We learn how to live and do different kinds of works from our elders. We also learn many good habits from our elders. These include respecting and helping each other in good and bad times.
  • Jatrya would catch fishes from the sea in Mumbai, may dance or play flute, dhol in any big or small show.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon some abilities of students. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • People of Khedi village may not be hearing sounds of crowd, traffic, high volume music in the parties etc.
  • Yes, I have experienced silence in religious places like Temples, Mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches.Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Hence, it can vary from one student to another.

Page No 169:

Question Discuss and Tell:

  • Many people in Jatrya’s village did not agree to move away from their land and forest. Why? They had to leave even though they didn’t want to. Why?
  • In Khedi, how many people were there in Jatrya’s family? When he thought about his family who all came to his mind?
  • Who all come to your mind when you think about your family?
  • Have you heard of people who don’t want to be moved from their old place? Talk about them.
  • Do you know some people who have never been to school? Do you also know of any place where there is no school?


  • People in Jatrya’s village did not agree to leave their land and forests, on which their forefathers had lived for centuries. They had an attachment with the place on which they had been living since their birth. They had everything available there which they wanted to lead a life. They had to leave even though they didn’t want to because a dam was going to be built on the river and for that villages on the banks had to be removed and Khedi was one of them.
  • Jatrya had only his parents living with him in Khedi. Thus, there were only three members. When he thought about his family, his wife and children came to his mind.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon the imagination of the students. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s knowledge about the people he/she deals with. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s knowledge about the people he/she deals with. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Question Imagine:

  • Think of the kinds of difficulties people have to face where a dam is being built.
  • Draw a picture of Khedi village and a picture of Jatrya’s dream village. Discuss the differences between them. Also look at the pictures your friends have drawn.


Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own imagination. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Page No 171:

Question Write:

  • Was Sinduri like the village of Jatrya’s dreams?
  • What difference did he find between Sinduri and his dream village?
  • Have you ever been to anyone’s house as an ‘unwanted guest’? How did you feel?
  • What all does your family do, when you have guests at home for a few days?


  • No, Sinduri was totally different from the village of Jatrya’s dreams.
  • Jatrya dreamt of a perfectly new house in the new village with all the facilities. These included electricity for fans and lights, tap water, school for his children, and buses for traveling to cities. But Sinduri village had few houses having hot tin sheds and only one room given to each family. The hospitals were without doctors. The schools were with teachers who did not behave well with the children of Khedi village. There was electricity, but only for sometime in a day. There were taps but no water. Land was not good for farming and Jatrya had to pay money for everything such as food, medicines, firewood, fodder for animals and electricity bills. People of Sinduri village did not like the people of Khedi village and called them unwanted guests.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • My family always welcomes guests. We take care of their comfort. My mother prepares special food for them. We behave kindly with them.Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s own experience. Hence, this can vary from one student to another.

Page No 172:

Question Think:

  • What had Jatryabhai thought while moving to Mumbai? Did he find Mumbai as he had imagined?
  • What kind of school do you think Jatrya’s children would be going to in Mumbai?


Disclaimer: The answer to the questions in this section is based upon one’s own experience. Considering this, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Page No 173:

Question Find Out and Write:

  • Do you know of any family that has come to your town after having moved out of their place? Talk to them and find out:
(i) From where have they come? Why did they have to come here?
(ii) What kind of place did they live in there? How do they find this new place compared to the old one?
(iii) Is their language and way of living any different from that of the people here? In what ways?
(iv) Learn some words from their language and write them in your notebook.
(v) Do they know how to make some things that you cannot make? What?
  • Have you ever read or heard of a city slum being removed? How do you feel about this?
  • People also shift from one place to another when they get transferred in their jobs? How do they feel then?


  • Disclaimer: The answer to the questions in this section is based upon one’s interaction with the people living in his or her surroundings. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • Disclaimer: The answer to this question is based upon one’s thoughts and imagination. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.
  • People who get transferred in their jobs, do not face so much difficulties as the people who are displaced. They usually get houses to live as quarters and other facilities also. They are not called as unwanted guests. However, they face difficulties while changing the schools and colleges of their children. Also, they face some problems adjusting in their new environment.

Question Debate:

  • Some people say that – “The city people do not create garbage. Cities are dirty because of the slums.” How do you feel about this? Discuss and debate between yourselves.


  • Disclaimer: The answer to the questions in this section is based upon one’s thoughts and imagination. Keeping this in mind, the answer to the same has not been provided.

Question What We Have Learnt:

  • Like Jatrya’s family, thousands of families come to stay in big cities for many different reasons. Do you think their life may be better in a big city from what it was before? Imagine how they feel in a big city.


  • Disclaimer: The answer to the questions in this section is based upon one’s thoughts and imagination. Considering the sustenance of this process, the answer to the same has not been provided.

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