Chapter 2 – Fun with Numbers

Page No 13:

Question 1:


•  Indra  collected the most seeds.
• Seeds collected by Vicky = 42 Seeds collected by Sunil = 38 Number of more seeds Sunil should collect to be equal to Vicky = 42 − 38 = 4
• Number of seeds with Radhika = 24 If Radhika gets 6 more seeds, the total number of seeds with her will be 24 + 6 = 30 If Radhika gets 6 more seeds, then she will have 30 seeds.
• 3 children have more than 40 seeds.
• Gauri has 47 seeds. So, if she collects 3 more seeds, then the total number of seeds with her will be 47 + 3 = 50 Gauri  needs 3 more seeds to have 50.
• Sunil has 2 seeds less than 40 and Vicky has 2 seeds more than 40.

Page No 15:

Question 1:

One-day match between India and South Africa in Guwahati ……… India batting first …….


Question 2:

How many runs do these players need to complete a century?


Century = 100 runs 

Page No 16:

Question 1:

Fill in the Blanks:


 Century = 100 runs Double century = 2
×100 = 200 runs Triple century = 3
×100 = 300 runs Total runs = 206 Number of runs required to make 300 = 300 − 206 = 94 So, 94 more runs are required to make a triple century.

Page No 17:

Question 1:


Page No 18:

Question 1:

Counting in 10’s


Question 2:

Counting in 50’s
How far can you go like this? What is the biggest number you can call out? _______


 We can count endlessly, as there is no limit to counting the numbers in 50s. There will always be a bigger number than the previous number.

Page No 20:

Question 1:

Gabru, Bunny and Tarru are jumping all the way. Gabru jumps on every 7th square, Bunny on every 5th square, Tarru on every 4th square. Gabru starts jumping from square number 90. Bunny starts jumping from square number 99. Tarru starts jumping from square number 106. Bunny’s tenth jump is on square number _________. Tarru’s tenth jump is on square number _________. Gabru’s tenth jump will be on square number ________. Gabru and Bunny both jump on squares 104 _________ and ________. Find out: • Tarru and Bunny jump on squares _______, _______, _______ and _______. • Is there any square where all three of them jump? _______ • Guess who will finish in the least jumps? ________ In how many jumps? ________


Bunny is on square number 99. Bunny jumps on every 5th square. In a single jump, Bunny covers 5 steps. We have to count Bunny’s 10th jump. Number of steps Bunny covers in 10 jumps = 10
×5 = 50 Thus, Square number reached by Bunny = 99 + 50 = 149
Tarru is on square number 106. Tarru jumps on every 4th square. In a single jump, Tarru covers 4 steps. We have to count Tarru’s 10th jump. Number of steps Tarru covers in 10 jumps = 10
×4 = 40 Thus, Square number reached by Tarru = 106 + 40 = 146
Gabru is on square number 90. Gabru jumps on every 7th square. In a single jump, Gabru covers 7 steps. We have to count Gabru’s 10th jump. Number of steps Gabru covers in 10 jumps = 10
×7 = 70 Thus, Square number reached by Gabru = 90 + 70 = 160
• Tarru and Bunny jump on squares 114134154 and 174. • All three of them jump together on square 174. • Gabru will finish it in the least number of jumps, that is, 8.

Page No 22:

Question 1:


Jump 2 steps forward: 104, 106, 108, 110112114116.
Jump 2 steps backward: 262, 260, 258, 256254252250.
Jump 10 steps forward: 110, 120, 130, 140150160170.
Jump 10 steps backward: 200, 190, 180, 170160150140.
Continue the pattern:
550, 560, 570, 580590600610.
910, 920, 930, 940, 950960970980.
209, 207, 205, 203201199197.
401, 402, 403, 404405406407.

Page No 23:

Question 1:

Find out how many packets of tens, hundreds and loose items each animal will take. Fill in the blanks.


Page No 24:

Question 1:

Lazy Crazy also has a crazy way of taking money. He takes only in  notes,  notes and  coins. Now find out how they will pay him for what they have taken.


Rs 420 = Rs 100 + Rs 100 + Rs 100 + Rs 100 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 Four hundred-rupee notes and two ten-rupee notes
Rs 143 = Rs 100 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Re 1 + Re 1 + Re 1 One hundred-rupee note, four ten-rupee notes and three one-rupee coins
Rs 242 = Rs 100 + Rs 100 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Re 1 + Re 1 Two hundred-rupee notes, four ten-rupee notes and two one-rupee coins
Rs 55 = Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Rs 10 + Re 1 + Re 1 + Re 1+ Re 1 + Re 1 Five ten-rupee notes and five one-rupee coins

Question 2:

Who am I? Match with the number.


Page No 25:

Question 1:

How Many are these?


Page No 27:

Question 1:

Which cards will I have in my pocket if I have counted up to…


Page No 28:

Question 1:

When I had   cards in my pocket, I knew I had counted 20 stars. Now you tell me the number of stars counted in each case. Write the answer in the blank space.


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