Chapter 3 – After a Bath

Page No 16:

Question 1:

dog       how      met      try      two


Dog: An animal that barks and is often kept as a pet Example sentences: 1. This is my pet dog Rex. 2. That dog is very big in size.
How: A word used to ask a question Example sentences: 1. How are you today? 2. How many hours are there in a day?
Met: Past tense of ‘meet’ Example sentences: 1. I met my friend yesterday. 2. He met the family doctor on Monday.
Try: To do something with some effort Example sentences: 1. I will try to finish my homework. 2. I try to play the piano everyday.
Two: The number that comes after one and before three Example sentences: 1. I have two legs. 2. There are two eggs in the bag.

Page No 17:

Question 1:

  • Do you like to have a bath? Say why.
  • Can you bathe yourself?
  • How do you dry yourself?
  • Have you seen an animal drying itself?


  • Yes, I like to take bath because it keeps me clean and healthy.
  • Yes, I can take bath by myself.
  • I dry myself with a soft towel.
  • Yes, I have seen a dog drying itself.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

Page No 17:

Question 1:

Put a
around what you do after a bath.
Throw the wet towel on the floor.
Hang the wet towel to dry.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: The answer to this question may vary from student to student.

Page No 17:

Question 2:

Do you wear these things? Draw lines from the picture to the word.


Yes, I wear these things when I go somewhere. 
Disclaimer: The answer to the first question may vary from student to student.

Page No 18:

Question 1:

Match the following to make pairs. One has been done for you.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
a. shirt   b. socks   c. cap   d. trousers   e. belt   f. shoes


(d)    (f)    (a)    (b)    (c)    (e)

Page No 18:

Question 1:

Draw or stick a picture of yourself and your friend here. Then complete the sentences and say them aloud. My name is                                    My friend’s name is  Me                                            My friend


My name is Rahul.                                                                         My friend’s name is Mansi.
Disclaimer:  Such activities are made for increasing self creative skills and should be tried on your own.

Page No 19:

Question 2:

Trace the path to the flowers.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to trace the path to the flowers.

Page No 20:

Question 1:

Trace over the waves and colour the fish.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.


Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to form the waves.

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