Chapter 4 – Counting in Tens

Page No 25:

Question 1:

In the morning, she counted her chickens. • How many baskets of 10 chickens are there? ____________ • How many chickens are there in all? 50 + 4 = ____________


  • 5 baskets of 10 chickens are there.
  • 54 chickens are there in all.

Question 2:

In the evening, she counted the chickens again. • There are ___________ baskets of 10 chickens. • There are __________ + 3 = __________ chickens in all. • 54 − ___________ = ___________ chickens have been eaten by the fox.


  • There are 4 baskets of 10 chickens.
  • There are 43 + 3 = 43 chickens in all.
  • 54 − 43 = 11 chickens have been eaten by the fox.

Page No 26:

Question 1:

He uses 10 sticks to make 1 bundle.
• 3 bundles have __________ sticks.
• Now, how many sticks in all are these? ____________ sticks in all.
• 4 bundles would have _____________ sticks.


• 3 bundles have 30 sticks.
• 39 sticks in all.
• 4 bundles would have 40 sticks.

Page No 27:

Question 1:

How many garlands of 10 flowers each can you make using 21 flowers? Draw them in the space below.


Using 21 flowers, 2 garlands of 10 flowers each can be made and 1 flower will be left.

Page No 28:

Question 1:

Let us help Leela. • How many packets of 10 pencils are there? ____________ • How many pencils are outside the packets? ____________ • So, altogether, there are ___________ pencils.


  • 6 packets of pencils are there.
  • 4 pencils are outside the packets.
  • So, altogether, there are 64 pencils.

Page No 29:

Question 1:

Kanak likes collecting different kinds of bindis. • How many packets does she have? ___________ • So how many bindis in all? ___________ Each packet has 3 + 4 + 3 bindis.


  • She has 7 packets of bindis.
  • 70 bindis are there in all.

Question 2:

Now, you draw 10 bindis in a different way.


Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.

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