Chapter 6 – Fun with Give and Take

Page No 80:

Question 2:

Arvind has read 69 pages of story book. Gouri has read 95 pages of that story book. Who has read more pages and how many more?


Number of pages of the storybook read by Arvind = 69 Number of pages of the storybook read by Gouri = 95 Clearly, 95 is more than 69. Therefore, Gouri has read more pages than Arvind.  Gouri has read 26 pages more than Arvind.

Page No 81:

Question 1:

Reena noted the electricity meter readings of her house. Last month’s reading was 118 units. This month’s reading is 193 units. How much electricity did she use in one month? This month’s reading _________ Last month’s reading _________
She used _________ units of electricity.


This month’s reading 193 units Last month’s reading 118 units
She used 75 units of electricity.

Question 2:

Khushboo bought a shirt for Rs 125 and trousers for Rs 165. How much money did she spend altogether? Bought a shirt for Rs _________ Bought trousers for Rs _________
She spent Rs ________ altogether.


Bought a shirt for Rs 125 Bought trousers for Rs 165
She spent Rs 290 altogether.

Page No 82:

Question 1:

Solve the following:
17-  3
14+  3
39- 1 0
12+ 2 4
86- 5 8
1 3 9- 1 1 0
2 3 7+ 2 1 3
3 2 5- 2 0 4
4 7 4- 1 3 6
6 4 2- 4 1 3
49+ 2 0
1 3 5+ 1 4 6


Page No 83:

Question 1:

Check Rashi’s subtraction using addition. Give her a ✔ for every right answer.
–  3    8    4  243141
+  1    4    1  243384
–  4    6    8  139221
+                                 –  3    5    6  247119
–  4    6    8  139221


Disclaimer: The first part and the fourth part are same. So the fourth part has been changed.

Question 2:

Fill in the missing numbers in the coloured boxes.


Page No 84:

Question 1:

Let’s Deliver Letters Postman Uncle is ill today. Let’s deliver the letters for him. 
Write the correct room numbers on the letters. Then find the rooms in the above building and circle them. Make a circle on room 455. 


Correct room numbers on the letters are shown below.
The room numbers circled in the building are shown below.

Page No 85:

Question 1:

Find the Missing Numbers Look at the number patterns. Write the missing numbers. (a) 100, 200, 300, _____, _____, 600, _____
(c) 50, 100, 150, 200, _____, _____, _____, _____
(f) 280, 260, 240, _____, _____, _____, _____
(g) 125, 150, 175, 200, _____, 250, _____, _____


(a) 100, 200, 300,   400    500  , 600,   700  
(c) 50, 100, 150, 200,   250    300    350    400  
(f) 280, 260, 240,   220    200    180    160  
(g) 125, 150, 175, 200,   225  , 250,   275  , 300

Page No 86:

Question 1:

Mental Maths A.



Page No 87:

Question 1:

Indu’s pencil is 15 cm long. Jyoti’s pencil is 8 cm long. Whose pencil is longer? How much longer?


Length of Indu’s pencil = 15 cm Length of Jyoti’s pencil = 8 cm Clearly, 15 is more than 8. Therefore, Indu’s pencil is longer than Jyoti’s pencil.
Thus, Indu’s pencil is 7 cm longer than Jyoti’s pencil.

Question 2:

Ask your Papa or Mummy Price of 1 kilo salt – Price of 1 kilo sugar – Which one is more costly? How much more does it cost?


Cost of 1 kg salt = Rs 15 Cost of 1 kg sugar = Rs 40 Clearly, 40 is more than 15. Therefore, sugar is costlier than salt.
Thus, the cost of 1 kg sugar is more than the cost of 1 kg salt by Rs 15.
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. The answer provided here is for reference only.

Question 3:

Ajay cooked chapatis in 25 minutes. Then he made daal in 15 minutes. How much time did he take to cook both things?


Time taken by Ajay to cook chapatis =  25 minutes Time taken by him to make daal = 15 minutes
Thus, Ajay took 40 minutes to cook both things.

Question 4:

Chanchal sells school sweaters. In 2 days she sold some red, blue and grey coloured sweaters.
Look at the above and answer the following: (a) How many grey sweaters did Chanchal sell in 2 days? (b) Did she sell more red sweaters than blue sweaters in 2 days?


(a) Number of grey sweaters sold on first day = 74 Number of grey sweaters sold on the second day = 89
Thus, Chanchal sold 163 grey sweaters on both the days.
(b) Number of blue sweaters sold on first day = 66 Number of blue sweaters sold on second day = 23
Number of red sweaters sold on the first day = 38 Number of red sweaters sold on the second day = 40  Clearly, 78 is less than 89. Thus, Chanchal did not sell more red sweaters than blue sweaters in 2 days.

Page No 88:

Question 1:

How many red and grey sweaters did she sell on the first day — more than 120 or less than 120? Tick () the right answer.
more than 120
less than 120


Number of red sweaters sold on first day = 38 Number of grey sweaters sold on first day = 74 Total number of red and grey sweaters sold on first day = 38 + 74 = 112
Thus, on the first day, less than 120 sweaters were sold.

Question 2:

How many sweaters in all did she sell on the second day ― more than 140 or less than 140? Tick () the right answer.
more than 140
less than 140


Number of red sweaters sold on second day = 40 Number of blue sweaters sold on second day = 23 Number of grey sweaters sold on second day = 89  Thus, on the second day, more than 140 sweaters were sold.

Question 3:

Is Sangeeta right? Sangeeta went to the market with her grandpa.
She looked at the prices and said to her grandpa ― (a) Ghee is Rs 102 rupees costlier than biscuits.
(b) Price of oil and ghee altogether is more than Rs 200.
(c) Price of ghee and 10 kg rice is less than Rs 300.
(d) Oil costs Rs 40 more than a pack of biscuits.
Is Sangeeta right? Mark () or (✕) in the box.


(a) Cost of ghee = Rs 127 Cost of biscuit = Rs 25
 Ghee is Rs 102 rupees costlier than biscuits.
✔(b) Cost of oil = Rs 70 Cost of ghee = Rs 127
The price of oil and ghee altogether is less than Rs 200. Price of oil and ghee altogether is more than Rs 200.
✕(c) Cost of ghee = Rs 127 Cost of 10 kg rice = Rs 150
Price of ghee and 10 kg rice is less than Rs 300.
✔(d) Cost of oil = Rs 70 Cost of biscuits = Rs 25
Oil costs Rs 45 more than a pack of biscuits. Oil costs Rs 40 more than a pack of biscuits.

Page No 89:

Question 1:

36 men and 52 women waiting for their turn.


Story Problem: There are 36 men and 52 women standing in a line to cost their votes. How many  people altogether have come to cast their votes?
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answer provided here is for reference only.

Page No 90:

Question 1:

We have our mid-day meal in 20 minutes and play for 15 minutes.


Story Problem: The students of a class take 20 minutes to take their mid day meal and after that they play for 15 minutes. How much time do they need for both the activities?
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answer provided here is for reference only.

Question 2:

The post office is 1 kilometre from Shahid’s home and 2 kilometres from his school.


Story Problem: The post office is 1 kilometre from Shahid’s home and 2 kilometres from his school. If the post office is located in between school and home, then find the total distance between Shahid’s home and his school?
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answer provided here is for reference only.

Question 3:

Bunty has read 27 books and Babli has read 34 books.


Story Problem: Bunty has read 27 books and Babli has read 34 books. Who has read more books and by how much?
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own. The answer provided here is for reference only.

Page No 91:

Question 1:

56 − 37 =
10 + 10 − 1 = ______
So 56 − 37 =


10 + 10 − 1 = 19 So, 56 − 37 =

Question 2:

60 − 45 = ?
5 + 10 = ______
So 60 − 45 =


5 + 10 = 15 So, 60 − 45 =

Question 3:

80 − 59
_____ + _____ + _____ =
So 80 − 59 =


1 + 10 + 10 =
21So, 80 − 59 =

Question 4:

93 − 85 =


 5 + 3 =8 So, 93 − 85 =
8Disclaimer: The question has been changed because the question given in the book is wrong.

Question 5:

84 − 69 =


 1 + 10 + 4 = 15 So, 84 − 69 =

Question 6:

60 − 20 =


 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 So, 60 − 20 =

Question 7:

90 − 50 =


 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 40 So, 90 − 50 =

Page No 92:

Question 1:

All the King’s Horses…. Once there was a king who could count only up to 9. Up to what number can you count? The king loved horses. But he could never count all of them. He kept them in such a way that he needed to count only up to 9 from each side.
How many horses in all did the king have? _______
One day a visitor with 4 horses came there. It was getting dark so he wanted to stay there at night. But the horse-keeper was scared. If the king saw these extra horses he would be very angry! The visitor said ― do not worry. The king will never know. So he arranged the horses like this:
How many horses are there now? _______
At night the king came to count horses. Along each side he counted 9 horses. Ah! That’s fine ‒ he said. Then he happily went to sleep. In the morning the clever visitor tried another trick. He took out his own 4 horses. But he also ran away with some of the  king’s horses. He left the king’s horses standing in this way. The silly king did not find any horse missing. Can you help him?
How many horses are now left? ________ How many of the king’s horses were taken away?


The king had 24 horses in all.
The visitor had 4 horses with him. When he kept his horses with the horses of the king, then there were a total of 28 horses.
The visitor took out his 4 horses along with some of the king’s horses. Total number of horses left = 20 Number of king’s horses taken away by the visitor = 24 − 20 = 4 Thus, the visitor took 4 horses of the king along with his own 4 horses.

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