Chapter 6 – Rural Administration

Page No 56:

Question 1:

What is the work of the police?


The work of the police is to maintain the law and order of the country. The police station of any particular area is responsible for enforcing the law and order in that area. The police of an area register the cases brought to their notice by the people of that area. It is their responsibility then to enquire, to investigate and take action on the cases.

Question 2:

List two things that the work of a Patwari includes.


The Patwari is responsible for measuring lands, and keeping and updating land records. The Patwari is also responsible for organising the collection of land revenues from the farmers and providing information to the government about the crops grown in the area.

Question 3:

What is the work of a Tehsildar?


The functions of Tehsildars are as follows:
(i) They have to hear disputes. The land disputes are heard at the Tehsildar’s office.
(ii) They supervise the work of the Patwaris, and ensure that land records are properly kept and land revenue is collected.
(iii) They make sure that farmers can easily obtain a copy of their record. They help students in obtaining their caste certificate.

Question 4:

What issue is the poem trying to raise? Do you think this is an important issue? Why?


The poem is raising the issue of inheritance of land by women. Yes, this issue is important as the women of a house have the same rights to the property as the men of that house. Denying women the right of inheriting family land is an act of discrimination. The Indian Constitution talks about “justice” and “equality” for each individual—so, discriminating on the basis of gender would be unconstitutional.

Question 5:

In what ways are the work of the Panchayat, which you read about in the previous chapter, and the work of the Patwari related to each other?


The Gram Panchayat is responsible for levying and collecting local taxes. In this, its work is related to that of the Patwari as the Patwari is responsible for organising the collection of land revenues from the farmers.

Question 6:

Visit a police station and find out the work that the police have to do to prevent crime and maintain law and order in their area especially during festivals, public meetings etc.


All localities have a dedicated police station. Visit the police station in your locality and meet the SHO, who is basically the incharge of the police station. Make sure that you have at hand a list of questions you need answers to. Also enquire about the special precautions they take at times of festivals or other large public gatherings.

Question 7:

Who is in charge of all the police stations in a district? Find out.


The District Superintendent of Police is in charge of all the police stations in a district.

Question 8:

How do women benefit under the new law?


Under the Hindu Succession Amendment Act, 2005, sons and daughters and their mothers can get an equal share in the land. This law benefits a large number of women.

Question 9:

In your neighbourhood are there women who own property? How did they acquire it?


Talk to the elders in your neighbourhood and try to gather information about the women who own property. Talking to elders would be helpful as they would have the knowledge of the people who have been living in the neighbourhood for a long time. Once you get a few names, meet these women and talk to them about how they acquired their properties.

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