Chapter 7 – Jugs and Mugs

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Page No 47:
Question 1:
Guess and then find out: – How many drops of lemon juice do you get from
half a lemon? ______________

– How many drops of lemon juice do you get from
a full lemon? ______________

– How many drops of lemon juice fill one
spoon? ______________

Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
Page No 48:
Question 1:
For making 6 glasses of lemon drink ― – How many lemons will you need? ____________ – How many spoons of sugar will you take? ____________
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
Question 2:
Do you think it is easier to pour into a
glass from a
jug than a

Yes, it is easier to pour a liquid into a glass from a jug than that from a bucket.
Page No 49:
Question 1:
Nazim found that two
big glasses fill the
Shabnam wants to buy one
jug full of lemon drink.
How much does she need to pay? ____________
Cost of 1 big glass of lemon drink= Rs 10 Cost of 2 big glasses of lemon drink= Rs 10
×2 =Rs 20
2 big glasses fill the jug of lemon drink, so, she needs to pay Rs 20 to buy one jug full of lemon drink.
Question 2:
Chaitra found that two
small glasses fill one
big glass.
How many
small glasses of lemon drink will fill the
jug? ___________
How many
small glasses will fill half the
Number of small glasses needed to fill the large glass = 2 Number of large glasses needed to fill the jug = 2 Number of small glasses needed to fill the jug = 2
×2 = 4 Thus, 4 small glasses of lemon drink will fill the jug. 2 small glasses of lemon drink will fill half the jug.
Page No 50:
Question 1:
Sunaina and Jaspreet brought different vessels from the kitchen. They had a
jug, a
glass, a
mug, a
pot and a
bowl. They filled each of these with a


• Guess which vessel holds the least water. ____________ • Which vessel holds the most water? ___________ • Now, you collect different vessels from your kitchen. • Use the same
cup to fill each of them. • Count the number of cups of water each of them can hold. • First guess and then do it.

- The bowl will hold the least water.
- The jug will hold the most water.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to make students observe their surroundings. The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. Some of the answers are provided here for reference.
Page No 51:
Question 1:
Ring the one which holds more water.


Page No 52:
Question 1:
One day, Rani’s mother gave her a different
pot to take milk. Every day, Rani’s
pot would fill to the top. But today, Rani found that the
pot was not filled completely.

No, Anil has not given Rani less milk. The pot
is large in size as compared to the pot
. That is why it was not completely filled.

Question 2:
Find out How much milk does your mother buy every day? ____________
Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her observation. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
Page No 55:
Question 1:
Water is Useful Find out how much water (in mugs or buckets) is used in your house for each of the following.

Disclaimer: The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
Question 2:

Disclaimer: The purpose of this section is to encourage students to observe their surroundings. The answer may vary from student to student, based on his/her experience. It is highly recommended that the students prepare the answer on their own.
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