Chapter 8 – Introduction to Trigonometry

Exercise 8.1

Question 1:

In ΔABC right angled at B, AB = 24 cm, BC = 7 cm. Determine
(i) sin A, cos A
(ii) sin C, cos C


Applying Pythagoras theorem for ΔABC, we obtain
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
= (24 cm)2 + (7 cm)2
= (576 + 49) cm2
= 625 cm2
∴ AC = cm = 25 cm
(i) sin A =
cos A = 
sin C = 
cos C =

Question 2:

In the given figure find tan P − cot R


Applying Pythagoras theorem for ΔPQR, we obtain
PR2 = PQ2 + QR2
(13 cm)2 = (12 cm)2 + QR2
169 cm2 = 144 cm2 + QR2
25 cm2 = QR2
QR = 5 cm
tan P − cot R =

Question 3:

If sin A =, calculate cos A and tan A.


Let ΔABC be a right-angled triangle, right-angled at point B.
Given that,
Let BC be 3k. Therefore, AC will be 4k, where k is a positive integer.
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
(4k)2 = AB2 + (3k)2
16k 2 − 9k 2 = AB2
7k 2 = AB2
AB = 

Question 4:

Given 15 cot A = 8. Find sin A and sec A


Consider a right-angled triangle, right-angled at B.
It is given that,
cot A =
Let AB be 8k.Therefore, BC will be 15k, where k is a positive integer.
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
= (8k)2 + (15k)2
= 64k2 + 225k2
= 289k2
AC = 17k

Question 5:

Given sec θ =, calculate all other trigonometric ratios.


Consider a right-angle triangle ΔABC, right-angled at point B.
If AC is 13k, AB will be 12k, where k is a positive integer.
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
(13k)2 = (12k)2 + (BC)2
169k2 = 144k2 + BC2
25k2 = BC2
BC = 5k

Question 6:

If ∠A and ∠B are acute angles such that cos A = cos B, then show that
∠A = ∠B.


Let us consider a triangle ABC in which CD ⊥ AB.
It is given that
cos A = cos B
 … (1)
We have to prove ∠A = ∠B. To prove this, let us extend AC to P such that BC = CP.
From equation (1), we obtain
By using the converse of B.P.T,
⇒∠ACD = ∠CPB (Corresponding angles) … (3)
And, ∠BCD = ∠CBP (Alternate interior angles) … (4)
By construction, we have BC = CP.
∴ ∠CBP = ∠CPB (Angle opposite to equal sides of a triangle) … (5)
From equations (3), (4), and (5), we obtain
∠ACD = ∠BCD … (6)
∠ACD = ∠BCD [Using equation (6)]
∠CDA = ∠CDB [Both 90°]
Therefore, the remaining angles should be equal.
∴∠CAD = ∠CBD
⇒ ∠A = ∠B
Let us consider a triangle ABC in which CD ⊥ AB.
It is given that,
cos A = cos B
⇒ AD = k BD … (1)
And, AC = k BC … (2)
Using Pythagoras theorem for triangles CAD and CBD, we obtain
CD2 = AC2 − AD2 … (3)
And, CD2 = BC2 − BD2 … (4)
From equations (3) and (4), we obtain
AC2 − AD2 = BC2 − BD2
⇒ (BC)2 − (k BD)2 = BC2 − BD2
⇒ k2 (BC2 − BD2) = BC2 − BD2
⇒ k2 = 1
⇒ k = 1
Putting this value in equation (2), we obtain
⇒ ∠A = ∠B(Angles opposite to equal sides of a triangle)

Question 7:

If cot θ =, evaluate
(i)  (ii) cot2 θ


Let us consider a right triangle ABC, right-angled at point B.
If BC is 7k, then AB will be 8k, where k is a positive integer.
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
= (8k)2 + (7k)2
= 64k2 + 49k2
= 113k2
AC = 
(ii) cot2 θ = (cot θ)2 = 

Question 8:

If 3 cot A = 4, Check whether 


It is given that 3cot A = 4
Or, cot A =
Consider a right triangle ABC, right-angled at point B.
If AB is 4k, then BC will be 3k, where k is a positive integer.
(AC)2 = (AB)2 + (BC)2
= (4k)2 + (3k)2
= 16k2 + 9k2
= 25k2
AC = 5k
cos2 A − sin2 A =

Question 9:

In ΔABC, right angled at B. If, find the value of
(i) sin A cos C + cos A sin C
(ii) cos A cos C − sin A sin C


If BC is k, then AB will be, where k is a positive integer.
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
= 3k2 + k2 = 4k2
∴ AC = 2k
(i) sin A cos C + cos A sin C
(ii) cos A cos C − sin A sin C

Question 10:

In ΔPQR, right angled at Q, PR + QR = 25 cm and PQ = 5 cm. Determine the values of sin P, cos P and tan P.


Given that, PR + QR = 25
PQ = 5
Let PR be x.
Therefore, QR = 25 − x
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔPQR, we obtain
PR2 = PQ2 + QR2
x2 = (5)2 + (25 − x)2
x2 = 25 + 625 + x2 − 50x
50x = 650
x = 13
Therefore, PR = 13 cm
QR = (25 − 13) cm = 12 cm

Question 11:

State whether the following are true or false. Justify your answer.
(i) The value of tan A is always less than 1.
(ii) sec A =for some value of angle A.
(iii) cos A is the abbreviation used for the cosecant of angle A.
(iv) cot A is the product of cot and A
(v) sin θ =, for some angle θ


(i) Consider a ΔABC, right-angled at B.
But > 1
∴tan A > 1
So, tan A < 1 is not always true.
Hence, the given statement is false.
Let AC be 12k, AB will be 5k, where k is a positive integer.
Applying Pythagoras theorem in ΔABC, we obtain
AC2 = AB2 + BC2
(12k)2 = (5k)2 + BC2
144k2 = 25k2 + BC2
BC2 = 119k2
BC = 10.9k
It can be observed that for given two sides AC = 12k and AB = 5k,
BC should be such that,
AC − AB < BC < AC + AB
12k − 5k < BC < 12k + 5k
7< BC < 17 k
However, BC = 10.9k. Clearly, such a triangle is possible and hence, such value of sec A is possible.
Hence, the given statement is true.
(iii) Abbreviation used for cosecant of angle A is cosec A. And cos A is the abbreviation used for cosine of angle A.
Hence, the given statement is false.
(iv) cot A is not the product of cot and A. It is the cotangent of ∠A.
Hence, the given statement is false.
(v) sin θ =
We know that in a right-angled triangle,
In a right-angled triangle, hypotenuse is always greater than the remaining two sides. Therefore, such value of sin θ is not possible.
Hence, the given statement is false

Exercise 8.2 

Question 1:

Evaluate the following
(i) sin60° cos30° + sin30° cos 60°
(ii) 2tan245° + cos230° − sin260°


(i) sin60° cos30° + sin30° cos 60°
(ii) 2tan245° + cos230° − sin260°

Question 2:

Choose the correct option and justify your choice.
(A). sin60°
(B). cos60°
(C). tan60°
(D). sin30°
(A). tan90°
(B). 1
(C). sin45°
(D). 0
(iii) sin2A = 2sinA is true when A =
(A). 0°
(B). 30°
(C). 45°
(D). 60°
(A). cos60°
(B). sin60°
(C). tan60°
(D). sin30°


Out of the given alternatives, only 
Hence, (A) is correct.
Hence, (D) is correct.
(iii)Out of the given alternatives, only A = 0° is correct.
As sin 2A = sin 0° = 0
2 sinA = 2sin 0° = 2(0) = 0
Hence, (A) is correct.
Out of the given alternatives, only tan 60° 
Hence, (C) is correct.

Question 3:

If  and;
0° < A + B ≤ 90°, A > B find A and B.


⇒ A + B = 60 … (1)
⇒ tan (A − B) = tan30
⇒ A − B = 30 … (2)
On adding both equations, we obtain
2A = 90
⇒ A = 45
From equation (1), we obtain
45 + B = 60
B = 15
Therefore, ∠A = 45° and ∠B = 15°

Question 4:

State whether the following are true or false. Justify your answer.
(i) sin (A + B) = sin A + sin B
(ii) The value of sinθ increases as θ increases
(iii) The value of cos θ increases as θ increases
(iv) sinθ = cos θ for all values of θ
(v) cot A is not defined for A = 0°


(i) sin (A + B) = sin A + sin B
Let A = 30° and B = 60°
sin (A + B) = sin (30° + 60°)
= sin 90°
= 1
sin A + sin B = sin 30° + sin 60°
Clearly, sin (A + B) ≠ sin A + sin B
Hence, the given statement is false.
(ii) The value of sin θ increases as θ increases in the interval of 0° < θ < 90° as
sin 0° = 0
sin 90° = 1
Hence, the given statement is true.
(iii) cos 0° = 1
cos90° = 0
It can be observed that the value of cos θ does not increase in the interval of 0° < θ < 90°.
Hence, the given statement is false.
(iv) sin θ = cos θ for all values of θ.
This is true when θ = 45°
It is not true for all other values of θ.
As  and ,
Hence, the given statement is false.
(v) cot A is not defined for A = 0°
As ,
 = undefined
Hence, the given statement is true.

Exercise 8.3

Question 1:

(III) cos 48° − sin 42°
(IV)cosec 31° − sec 59°


(III)cos 48° − sin 42° = cos (90°− 42°) − sin 42°
= sin 42° − sin 42°
= 0
(IV) cosec 31° − sec 59° = cosec (90° − 59°) − sec 59°
= sec 59° − sec 59°
= 0

Question 2:

Show that
(I) tan 48° tan 23° tan 42° tan 67° = 1
(II)cos 38° cos 52° − sin 38° sin 52° = 0


(I) tan 48° tan 23° tan 42° tan 67°
= tan (90° − 42°) tan (90° − 67°) tan 42° tan 67°
= cot 42° cot 67° tan 42° tan 67°
= (cot 42° tan 42°) (cot 67° tan 67°)
= (1) (1)
= 1
(II) cos 38° cos 52° − sin 38° sin 52°
= cos (90° − 52°) cos (90°−38°) − sin 38° sin 52°
= sin 52° sin 38° − sin 38° sin 52°
= 0

Question 3:

If tan 2A = cot (A− 18°), where 2A is an acute angle, find the value of A.


Given that,
tan 2A = cot (A− 18°)
cot (90° − 2A) = cot (A −18°)
90° − 2A = A− 18°
108° = 3A
A = 36°

Question 4:

If tan A = cot B, prove that A + B = 90°


Given that,
tan A = cot B
tan A = tan (90° − B)
A = 90° − B
A + B = 90°

Question 5:

If sec 4A = cosec (A− 20°), where 4A is an acute angle, find the value of A.


Given that,
sec 4A = cosec (A − 20°)
cosec (90° − 4A) = cosec (A − 20°)
90° − 4A= A− 20°
110° = 5A
A = 22°

Question 6:

If A, Band C are interior angles of a triangle ABC then show that


We know that for a triangle ABC,
∠ A + ∠B + ∠C = 180°
∠B + ∠C= 180° − ∠A

Question 7:

Express sin 67° + cos 75° in terms of trigonometric ratios of angles between 0° and 45°.


sin 67° + cos 75°
sin (90° − 23°) + cos (90° − 15°)
cos 23° + sin 15°

Exercise 8.4

Question 1:

Express the trigonometric ratios sin A, sec A and tan A in terms of cot A.


We know that,
 will always be positive as we are adding two positive quantities.
We know that, 

Question 2:

Write all the other trigonometric ratios of ∠A in terms of sec A.


We know that,
Also, sin2 A + cos2 A = 1
sin2 A = 1 − cos2 A
tan2A + 1 = sec2A
tan2A = sec2A − 1

Question 3:

(ii) sin25° cos65° + cos25° sin65°


 (As sin2A + cos2A = 1)
= 1
(ii) sin25° cos65° + cos25° sin65°
= sin225° + cos225°
= 1 (As sin2A + cos2A = 1)

Question 4:

Choose the correct option. Justify your choice.
(i) 9 sec2 A − 9 tan2 A =
(A) 1
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 0
(ii) (1 + tan θ + sec θ) (1 + cot θ − cosec θ)
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) −1
(iii) (secA + tanA) (1 − sinA) =
(A) secA
(B) sinA
(C) cosecA
(D) cosA
(A) secA
(B) −1
(C) cotA
(D) tanA


(i) 9 sec2A − 9 tan2A
= 9 (sec2A − tan2A)
= 9 (1) [As sec2 A − tan2 A = 1]
= 9
Hence, alternative (B) is correct.
(1 + tan θ + sec θ) (1 + cot θ − cosec θ)
Hence, alternative (C) is correct.
(iii) (secA + tanA) (1 − sinA)
= cosA
Hence, alternative (D) is correct.
Hence, alternative (D) is correct.

Question 5:

Prove the following identities, where the angles involved are acute angles for which the expressions are defined.


= secθ cosec θ +
= R.H.S.
= R.H.S
Using the identity cosec2 = 1 + cot2,
L.H.S = 
= cosec A + cot A
= R.H.S
Hence, L.H.S = R.H.S

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