Chapter 9 – It’s Raining

Question 1:
How did Appu know that the banana trees needed water?
As the banana trees were dropping, and once watered, the trees became alive; Appu understood that the banana trees needed water.
Question 2:
From where do the plants growing around your house get water?
Most of the plants get water from rain. We also water them.
Question 3:
Appu drank water from the river till he was happy. Have you seen animals drinking water? Where?
Yes, I have seen cats, dogs and cows drinking water around my house.
Question 4:
Have you ever given water to any animal? If yes, which animal?
Yes, I have given water to a cow.
Question 5:
Some animals are not given water by anyone. From where do they drink water?
Such animals drink water from ponds, lakes and rivers.
Question 1:
The poet saw many things in the clouds. Have you ever seen anything in the clouds? What?
Yes, I have seen dragon, horse, and bird shapes in the clouds.
Question 2:
What all do the clouds do?
Clouds are formed through evaporated water. On condensation, clouds release water and bring rains.
Question 3:
Have you ever seen a rainbow? When can you see a rainbow?
Yes, I have seen rainbows twice. Rainbows can be seen when sun rays from behind fall on rain drops.
Question 4:
How do you feel when it rains?
I feel extremely happy when it rains.
Question 5:
Apart from clouds, what do you see when it rains?
When it rains, it usually is accompanied with thunder, lightning and strong winds.
Question 6:
What happens when it rains?
When it rains, the weather becomes very cold. The sky gets dark. Earth releases a soothing fragrance.
Question 7:
When it rains, making paper boats and floating them on water is really fun. Isn’t it?
Yes, it is so much fun!

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