Chapter 3: Let us answer these (page 47)

Q1. Dissolve a small amount of NaHCO3 in water. Add 1 drop of methyl orange into it. What is the colour of the mixture?
Ans:- Yellow as the solution is basic.

Q2. Add lime juice in the above solution till the evolution of the gas stops. What is the colour of the mixture now?
Ans:- Pink as the solution becomes acidic.

Q3. How many grams of sulphuric acids(H2SO4) will be needed to react completely with a solution containing 10.6 g of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)?

Ans:- Sodium carbonate reacts with sulphuric acid to form sodium sulphate,water and carbondioxide.
   Na2CO3 (106kg) + H2SO4 (98kg)  -------> Na2SO4 (142kg) + H2O (18kg) + CO2(44kg)

     For the complete reaction, 98kg of H2SO4 is required to neutralize 106 of Na2CO3
           Hence, the amount of sulpheric acid needed =98X10.6/106 g = 9.8g

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