Chapter 2 – Haldi’s Adventure

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Page No 10:
Question 1:
giraffe, surprised, adventure, wonderful, playground
1) Giraffe: a tall mammal with a very long neck and forelegs Example sentences: 1) Harish saw a giraffe in the zoo. 2) The giraffe eats leaves.
2) Surprised: amazed Example sentences: 1) I was surprised to see my mother at the airport. 2) She was surprised to see her birthday gift.
3) Adventure: an exciting and daring experience Example sentences: 1) I have to share my adventure experience with Reema. 2) My first day in school was an adventure for me.
4) Wonderful: extremely good Example sentences: 1) Eating ice-cream is winters is wonderful. 2) We all had a wonderful weekend.
5) Playground: an outdoor area for children to play Example sentences: 1) I play football with my friends in the playground. 2) Ravi was shouting in the playground with his friends.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
- Where was Haldi going?
- Why did Haldi stare at the giraffe?
- How did she reach school?
- Hadi was walking towards school.
- Haldi stared at the giraffe as the giraffe was wearing big glasses and holding a book in his hand.
- She reached school by jumping on the giraffe’s back.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
- How do you go to school?
- What do you wear to school?
- Have you ever seen anything strange on your way to school? Talk about it.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. However, you are advised to write the answers based on your own experience and observation.
- I go to school in my school bus.
- I wear a T-shirt and skirt to school.
- Yes, I saw a very cute puppy playing with a kitten on the street one day. The puppy was blue in colour and the kitten was . They were looking very cute together.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
paddle | saddle | cradle | ||
down | clown | sound | round | |
school | pool | rule | cool | tool |
Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.
paddle | saddle | cradle | ||
down | clown | sound | round | |
school | pool | rule | cool | tool |
Page No 11:
Question 1:
Find the shapes
and colour them.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer to the textbook for the image.
Disclaimer: Students are advised to colour this on their own.
Page No 13:
Question 1:
- Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets – (sail, bark, sing, play, ring)
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Boats ______________.
Children ______________.
Bells ______________.
Birds ______________.
- Write the names of the days of the week. You can begin with Sunday.
- Haldi wrote her name at school in this way –
‘haldi‘. She made one mistake. What was it? Write her name correctly. _______________ Now write your name correctly. _______________
- Haldi wrote – i met a giraffe
She made two mistakes. What are they? Write Haldi’s sentence correctly.
Boats sail.
Dogs bark.
Children play.
Bells ring.
Birds sing.
- 1)Sunday 2)Monday 3)Tuesday 4)Wednesday 5)Thursday 6)Friday 7)Saturday
- Ans: She did not capitalise the first letter of her name.
Write her name correctly. Haldi Now write your name correctly. Shraddha
- Ans: 1) She did not capitalise the first alphabet of the sentence.
2) She did not put full stop at the end of the sentence.
Correct sentence: I met a giraffe.
Page No 14:
Question 5:
- What do you do before going to school? Put ‘Y’ for yes and ‘N’ for no.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.

- Fill in the blanks with ‘before’ or ‘after’.
________________ eating food, I wash my hands.
________________ reaching school, I sit in class.
________________ eating food, I wash my mouth.
________________ reaching home, I do my homework.

- Before eating food, I wash my hands. After reaching school, I sit in class.Before eating food, I wash my mouth.After reaching home, I do my homework.
Page No 15:
Question 6:
Figure as per TB.
Page No 16:
Question 1:
- What is the sound of your school bell?
- Can you make sounds of different bells that you have heard?
- Different bells make different sounds. Try and make the sound of a –
phone bell
door bell
cow bell
horse bell
bus bell
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
- Write the first letter of each picture given in the box.

Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experience and observation.
- My school bell sounds very loud. It sounds like ‘Brrrrrrriiiiing’.
- Yes, I can make sounds of different bells that I have heard.
- 1) phone bell Tring tring2) door bell Ding-dong3) cow bell Tun-tun4) horse bell Chuk-chuk5) bus bell Paw-paw

Page No 10:
Question 1:
giraffe, surprised, adventure, wonderful, playground
1) Giraffe: a tall mammal with a very long neck and forelegs Example sentences: 1) Harish saw a giraffe in the zoo. 2) The giraffe eats leaves.
2) Surprised: amazed Example sentences: 1) I was surprised to see my mother at the airport. 2) She was surprised to see her birthday gift.
3) Adventure: an exciting and daring experience Example sentences: 1) I have to share my adventure experience with Reema. 2) My first day in school was an adventure for me.
4) Wonderful: extremely good Example sentences: 1) Eating ice-cream is winters is wonderful. 2) We all had a wonderful weekend.
5) Playground: an outdoor area for children to play Example sentences: 1) I play football with my friends in the playground. 2) Ravi was shouting in the playground with his friends.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
- Where was Haldi going?
- Why did Haldi stare at the giraffe?
- How did she reach school?
- Hadi was walking towards school.
- Haldi stared at the giraffe as the giraffe was wearing big glasses and holding a book in his hand.
- She reached school by jumping on the giraffe’s back.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
- How do you go to school?
- What do you wear to school?
- Have you ever seen anything strange on your way to school? Talk about it.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. However, you are advised to write the answers based on your own experience and observation.
- I go to school in my school bus.
- I wear a T-shirt and skirt to school.
- Yes, I saw a very cute puppy playing with a kitten on the street one day. The puppy was blue in colour and the kitten was . They were looking very cute together.
Page No 11:
Question 1:
paddle | saddle | cradle | ||
down | clown | sound | round | |
school | pool | rule | cool | tool |
Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.
paddle | saddle | cradle | ||
down | clown | sound | round | |
school | pool | rule | cool | tool |
Page No 11:
Question 1:
Find the shapes
and colour them.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer to the textbook for the image.
Disclaimer: Students are advised to colour this on their own.
Page No 13:
Question 1:
- Fill in the blanks with the words given in the brackets – (sail, bark, sing, play, ring)
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Boats ______________.
Children ______________.
Bells ______________.
Birds ______________.
- Write the names of the days of the week. You can begin with Sunday.
- Haldi wrote her name at school in this way –
‘haldi‘. She made one mistake. What was it? Write her name correctly. _______________ Now write your name correctly. _______________
- Haldi wrote – i met a giraffe
She made two mistakes. What are they? Write Haldi’s sentence correctly.
Boats sail.
Dogs bark.
Children play.
Bells ring.
Birds sing.
- 1)Sunday 2)Monday 3)Tuesday 4)Wednesday 5)Thursday 6)Friday 7)Saturday
- Ans: She did not capitalise the first letter of her name.
Write her name correctly. Haldi Now write your name correctly. Shraddha
- Ans: 1) She did not capitalise the first alphabet of the sentence.
2) She did not put full stop at the end of the sentence.
Correct sentence: I met a giraffe.
Page No 14:
Question 5:
- What do you do before going to school? Put ‘Y’ for yes and ‘N’ for no.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.

- Fill in the blanks with ‘before’ or ‘after’.
________________ eating food, I wash my hands.
________________ reaching school, I sit in class.
________________ eating food, I wash my mouth.
________________ reaching home, I do my homework.

- Before eating food, I wash my hands. After reaching school, I sit in class.Before eating food, I wash my mouth.After reaching home, I do my homework.
Page No 15:
Question 6:
Figure as per TB.
Page No 16:
Question 1:
- What is the sound of your school bell?
- Can you make sounds of different bells that you have heard?
- Different bells make different sounds. Try and make the sound of a –
phone bell
door bell
cow bell
horse bell
bus bell
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
- Write the first letter of each picture given in the box.

Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experience and observation.
- My school bell sounds very loud. It sounds like ‘Brrrrrrriiiiing’.
- Yes, I can make sounds of different bells that I have heard.
- 1) phone bell Tring tring2) door bell Ding-dong3) cow bell Tun-tun4) horse bell Chuk-chuk5) bus bell Paw-paw

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