Chapter 11 – Mr. Nobody

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Page No 90:
Question 1:
quiet, mischief, everybody, agree, nobody
1) Quiet: without making any noise Example sentences: 1) Reena is very quiet in the class. 2) My dog is very quiet.
2) Mischief: trouble caused by someone Example sentences: 1) His mischief in the class was caught by his class teacher. 2) She was bent on making mischief.
3) Everybody: every person Example sentences: 1) Everybody has to raise their hands. 2) Everybody will have to suffer because of him.
4) Agree: having a same opinion’ Example sentences: 1) I agree that he is very punctual in class. 2) I agree to the fact that you are very careless.
5) Nobody: no one Example sentences: 1) Nobody should tease animals. 2) Nobody should make a noise while I pray.
Page No 91:
Question 1:
• Who is Mr. Nobody?
• Has anyone ever seen him?
• Is there a Mr. Nobody in your house?
- Mr. Nobody is a funny little man.
- No, nobody has ever seen him.
- Yes, there is a Mr. Nobody in my house. He always eats food from my plate when I go outside my room.
Page No 91:
Question 1:
• Have you ever done something naughty?
• What did you do?
• What did you say?
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences and observations.
- Yes, I did something naught once two months before.
- I watched television for more than two hours in my parents absence. Though, I promised my mother that I will watch TV for not more than half an hour.
- I told my mother that I was getting bored sitting all alone at the home.
Page No 91:
Question 1:
Sometimes you want to look and find things for yourself. Tick (✓) those that you did. Tell your friends.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
I tried to see why the clock ticked.
I went out of the house at night to see the stars.
I climbed a tree to look into a nest.
I climbed on a stool to find biscuits.
/I tried to see why the clock ticked.
/I went out of the house at night to see the stars.
×I climbed a tree to look into a nest.
/I climbed on a stool to find biscuits.
Page No 92:
Question 1:
Say aloud and circle the rhyming words – 1. A mouse ran into the house. 2. I can see the tittle bee. 3. That was a fat cat. 4. Give me a handkerchief. Don’t do any mischief.
1. A mouse ran into the house. 2. I can see the tittle bee. 3. That was a fat cat. 4. Give me a handkerchief. Don’t do any mischief.
Page No 92:
Question 1:
Make groups of five children each. Each group takes a big chart paper – • Each group draws a Mr. Nobody. • The first child draws Mr. Nobody’s head. • The second child draws his clothes. • The third child draws the arms. • The fourth child draws his legs. • The fifth child draws Mr. Nobody’s hair. • Look at Mr. Nobody. Isn’t he a funny man? Colour him.
Disclaimer: This is a creative activity meant to be done with your friends. This will help you develop your creative and imaginative skills.
Page No 93:
Question 1:
1. Fill in the blanks with a, e, i, o, u. he ___ d, ___ rms, l ___ gs, dr ___ ss, h ___ ___ r
2. Add ‘no’, ‘some’ and ‘every’ to the word body to make new words. _________ body, __________ body, __________ body.
3. Seema wrote her father’s name like this –

Ram wrote his mother’s name like this – 

• Write your father’s name as Seema did. 

• Write your mother’s name as Ram did.
- 1) Head 2) Arms 3) legs 4) dress 5) hear
- 1)Nobody 2) Somebody 3) Everybody

Page No 95:
Question 1:
quiet agree mouse break plate zigzag
Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to form the given words.
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