Chapter 18 – Anandi’s Rainbow

Page No 104:

Question 1:



Bright: Filled with light Example sentences: 1) She was wearing a bright dress in the party. 2) The sun was bright and hot.
Favourite: Liked over the others Example sentences: 1) Black is my favourite colour. 2) She ate all her favourite fruits.
Indigo: Dark blue colour Example sentences: 1) She used indigo and yellow to paint the picture. 2) He gifted me a bunch of indigo flowers.
Inside: On the inner side Example sentences: 1) My mother and I waited for you inside the room. 2) Why did you keep the book inside the bag?
Outside: On the outer side of Example sentences: 1) I was sitting outside my house. 2) Kiran was standing outside the door.
Rainbow: A curved arc of seven colours in the sky Example sentences: 1) We saw the rainbow from our balcony. 2) Rainbow is made up of seven colours.
Violet: A shade of purple Example sentences: 1) Brinjal is violet in colour. 2) We have violet curtains in our room.

Page No 105:

Question 1:

  • What did Anandi see outside her window?
  • Was she happy to see the rainbow?
  • What are the colours of the rainbow?


  • Outside her window, Anandi saw a huge and bright rainbow across the clear blue sky.
  • Yes, she was happy to see the rainbow.
  • The colours of the rainbow are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Page No 105:

Question 1:

  • Have you ever seen a rainbow?
  • When do you see a rainbow in the sky?


  • Yes, I have seen a rainbow. It looks very beautiful.
  • We see a rainbow in the sky right after the rain. The sun is always behind us when we see a rainbow in the sky.
Disclaimer: The answer to the first question may vary from student to student.

Page No 105:

Question 1:

  • Go outside and look at the clouds.
  • What shapes do you see in the clouds?
  • Come inside and draw what you saw.
  • Now describe your drawing to your friends in your own language and then in English.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


  •  I can see the shape of birds, dogs and airplane in the clouds.
Disclaimer: This is a creative activity. Students have to make the drawing on the notebook and share it with their friends. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.

Page No 105:

Question 1:



Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on thier own.

Page No 106:

Question 1:

Look at the picture below. Circle the names of things that you can see in the picture.
umbrella                 boat
puddle                    mud
raindrops               sun
house                     roses
cat                         pot
Discalimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.


Page No 106:

Question 2:

Join the dots from Aa to Zz and see what you can create.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.


Disclimer: Join the dots from Aa to Zz in sequence to form a butterfly.

Page No 107:

Question 3:

In the given space trace the rainbow and colour it.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.
Say aloud the names of the colours on the rainbow.


 Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines in sequence to draw a rainbow. Disclaimer: After tracing and colouring the picture, the students are advised to say aloud the names of the colours on the rainbow, which would be violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red.

Page No 107:

Question 1:

    U   V


Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to form the given alphabets.

Page No 108:

Question 1:

Use am or have in the blanks.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.

I ____ in colour.
I ____ two eyes.
I ____four legs and a short tail.
I ____ wool on me.
What ___ I?


am  in colour.
have two eyes.
have four legs and a short tail.
have wool on me.
What am I?

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