Chapter 9 – Merry-Go-Round

Page No 53:

Question 1:

around          down          in           on           out          round          up


Around: In a circle Example sentences: 1) I was walking around a table. 2) The children were playing around the park.
Down: In a bottom or low position Example sentences: 1) Ask her to sit down on the chair! 2) Kavita fell down from the stairs.
In: Used to show the position within something Example sentences: 1) The cake is in the fridge. 2) The maid kept the fruits in the basket.
On: To put in contact with something for support Example sentences: 1) I sat on a table. 2) The picture was hanging on the wall.
Out: To move away Example sentences: 1) I went out to play in the evening. 2) Get out of my room!
Round: Circle-shaped Example sentences: 1) The cricket ball is round in shape. 2) We were sitting round the table.
Up: High Example sentences: 1) The swing went up when Ali pushed it. 2) The squirrel climbed up to top of the ladder.

Page No 54:

Question 1:

How did the merry-go-round go? How did the big brown horse go?


  • The merry-go-round went round and round.
  • The big brown horse went up and down.

Page No 54:

Question 1:

  • Have you seen a merry-go-round?
  • Where have you seen it?
  • Would you like to go to a fair?


  • Yes, I have seen a merry-go-round. It is always fun to take a ride on it.
  • I have seen it in a fair.
  • Yes, I would like to go to a fair on my birthday with my parents and sister.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

Page No 54:

Question 1:

• Look at this picture and describe the fair. • Talk about the things you enjoy at a fair.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.


  • There are many children in the fair. They are enjoying their rides in the fair. They have come with their parents. The children are buying balloons and toys. The weather is very pleasant. Everyone is having fun.
  •  I enjoy sitting in toy trains and merry-go-round. I love trying different types of things to eat in  food stalls. I also enjoy buying toys for myself from there.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

Page No 55:

Question 2:

Go round the merry-go-round, circle the letters and say them aloud.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the image.


Disclaimer: Students are advised to say aloud the letters as they encircle them.

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