Chapter 13 – A Kite

Page No 77:

Question 1:

blow          breeze              chanced                kite               sit


Blow: To send forth a current of air Example sentences: 1) Blow air into the balloon. 2) He asked me to blow the candles.
Breeze: A gentle wind Example sentences: 1) The flowers were flowing along with the breeze. 2) Breeze and music together makes me feel fresh.
Chanced: When you are not sure about something Example sentences: 1) I chanced to look at my mother dancing. 2) I chanced to solve the problem.
Kite: A light paper that is attached with a long string and flown in the wind Example sentences: 1) I enjoy flying kite with my friends. 2) We had a kite flying competition in school.
Sit: To be a position in which your bottom is resting on a chair, ground, etc. Example sentences: 1) I have already asked her to sit. 2) I wish I could sit on the clouds.

Page No 78:

Question 1:

  • What does the child wish to be?
  • What does the child wish to do with the breeze?


  • The child wishes to be a kite.
  • The child wishes to ride upon the breeze and go whichever way he/she was chanced to blow by the breeze.

Page No 78:

Question 1:

  • What would you like to be?
  • Imagine you are a bird in the sky. Describe what you will feel when you see a kite flying near you.


  • I would like to be a squirrel, as it runs very fast and is able to climb trees easily.
  • If I were a bird, I would feel very excited to see a kite flying near me. I would follow the kite and try to catch it and tear it off with my beak.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

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Question 1:

Do you know more words with these sounds?


  • Yes, I know more words with these sounds. They are

Disclaimer: The first part of the question is to be done by the students themselves. The answer to the second part of the question may vary from student to student.

Page No 78:

Question 1:

  • What are different things that fly in the sky?
  • If you had wings, where would you fly?


  • Birds, aeroplane, helicopters and bats fly in the sky.
  • If I had wings, I would fly to London.
  Disclaimer: These are sample answers. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.

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Question 2:

Trace on the rain patterns.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to trace the rain patterns.

Page No 79:

Question 3:

Use the picture clues to draw pictures of the day sky and night sky in the windows. Colour the pictures.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.


Disclaimer: Such questions are made for increasig self creative skills and should be tried on your own. The students may colour the picture using the colours of their choice.

Page No 79:

Question 4:

You see them all in the sky. Fill in the blanks by choosing words from the box.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.



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