Chapter 19 – Flying-Man

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Page No 110:
Question 1:
flying high man mountains sea take
Flying: To move through air with wings Example sentences: 1) The bird was flying high in the sky. 2) I was flying in my dreams.
High: Greater than usual in amount, number or degree Example sentences: 1) They were travelling at a high speed. 2) The apple tree was 15 feet high.
Man: An adult male human being Example sentences: 1) A man came at my house. 2) I saw a tall man with big black eyes.
Mountains: A rocky earth surface that is higher than a hill Example sentences: 1) I can see mountains from my classroom. 2) She lives in the mountains.
Sea: A large body of salt water Example sentences: 1) The sea is blue in colour. 2) We cannot drink the sea water.
Take: To carry, move or lead Example sentences: 1) Please take your book from the table. 2) Take this bottle to your father.
Page No 111:
Question 1:
- Where does the Flying-man go?
- What does the child want to do?
- The flying man goes over the mountains and over the sea.
- The child wants to fly away with the flying-man.
Page No 111:
Question 1:
Can you guess who the Flying-man is?
Choose your answer. • The Flying-man is Superman. • The Flying-man is a pilot. • The Flying-man is an astronaut. • The Flying-man is Batman.
Now talk about him.
According to me, the Flying-man is Superman. He always helps people in need. He is very powerful and can fly at a high speed. He always wears a Superman suit.
Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences and observations.
Page No 111:
Question 1:
- Have you seen an aeroplane?
- Let’s pretend you are a pilot flying an aeroplane.
(a) What will you see outside your aeroplane
(i) during the day?
(ii) at night?
(b) What will you see inside your aeroplane?
- Yes, I have seen an aeroplane.
- (a) (i) During daytime, I will see birds and clouds in the sky.
(ii) At night, I will see stars and moon from the aeroplane.
(iii) I will see passengers and air-hostesses inside the aeroplane.
Disclaimer: These are sample answers. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences and observations.
Page No 111:
Question 1:
mug | vase | wave | note |
move | vale | wall | nip |
mum | view | wax | knee |
mother | van | wind | knit |
mud | vote | why | knot |
• Which word in the box sounds like ‘high’?
• Which word rhymes with ‘me’?
- The word ‘why’ sounds like ‘high’.
- The word ‘knee’ rhymes with ‘me’.
Page No 112:
Question 2:
What shall I be when I grow up? Match the following:
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
A person who sails a ship an artist
A person who flies a spaceship an astronaut
A person who draws or paints a sailor
A person who makes sick people well a dentist
A person who brings letters a doctor
A person who grows crops a farmer
A person who makes clothes a pilot
A person who works in school a postman
A person who checks teeth a tailor
A person who flies an aeroplane a teacher

Page No 113:
Question 1:
Disclaimer: Join the dotted lines to form the given alphabets.
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