Chapter 5 – One Little Kitten
Page No 29:
Question 1:
cat fat rat sad ten
Cat: A small animal related to tigers and lions and that is often kept as a pet Example sentences: 1) Cats always run after mice. 2) My cat loves to drink milk.
Fat: Having a lot of extra flesh on the body Example sentences: 1) My uncle looks fat in a swimsuit. 2) Why do you keep calling him fat?
Rat: A small animal similar to a mouse Example sentences: 1) There is a rat in the storeroom. 2) The little kitten was chasing a rat.
Sad: Feeling of unhappiness Example sentences: 1) My uncle’s illness made me sad. 2) Rahul was sad because he lost his pencil.
Ten: A number that comes after nine and before eleven Example sentences: 1) I have ten notebooks. 2) Ten is my lucky number.
Page No 30:
Question 1:
- How many kinds of creatures are there in the poem?
- Are the seals happy?
- There are fifteen kinds of creatures in the poem.
- No, the seals are not happy. They are sad.
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Question 1:
- Where do the fish live?
- What are the other things found in water?
- There are many creatures in the poem. Which ones have you seen?
- Tell us about when you feel —
sad | brave |
happy | nervous |
- Fish live in water. So, we can find fish in aquariums and water bodies like ponds and oceans.
- We can find pebbles, plants and other water animals in water.
- I have seen kittens, cats, butterflies, rats, fish, lizards, bees, elephants and donkeys.
1) Sad: I feel sad when I am not able to play with my friends.
2) Happy: I feel happy when I get chocolates.
3) Brave: I feel brave when I ride a horse.
4) Nervous: I feel nervous during my exams.
Disclaimer: Apart from the first one, the others are sample answers. The students are advised to write the answers based on their own experiences or observations.
Page No 31:
Question 1:
Look at the pictures of the animals given below and underline them in the poem. Then trace the letters.
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Disclaimer: Students are advised to underline the names of the animals in their textbook and also join the dotted lines to form the given alphabets.
Page No 32:
Question 1:
am | he | if | in | is |
it | me | my | no | of |
on | so | to | us | we |
all | and | bad | big | bit |
but | can | cat | cry | day |
dog | fat | let | met | not |
one | pig | ran | red | sad |
saw | sit | sun | ten | the |
try | two | was | wet | you |
Disclaimer: Students are advised to practice this on their own.
am | he | if | in | is |
it | me | my | no | of |
on | so | to | us | we |
all | and | bad | big | bit |
but | can | cat | cry | day |
dog | fat | let | met | not |
one | pig | ran | red | sad |
saw | sit | sun | ten | the |
try | two | was | wet | you |
Page No 33:
Question 1:
Say these words aloud. Then match them with the pictures by drawing lines.
bag | tin | hen | pen | tap | axe | ant | fox | cap | cot |
Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images.
Fill in the blanks from the words given above.
b ___ g | h ___ n | t ___ p | c ___ p | t ___ n |
c ___ t | ___ nt | p ___ n | f ___ x | ___ xe |
b a g | h e n | t a p | c a p | t i n |
c a t | a n t | p e n | f o x | a x e |
Disclaimer: The students are advised to say aloud the given words before drawing lines to match them with their pictures.
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